Sprouts Spring Up

Sprouts Spring Up
Target text


Read, write, and identify words beginning with the /spr/ blend.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • spring
  • sprout
  • spray
  • spread
  • sprang
  • sprinkle
  • sprint


  • Grass and flower graphic (cut a slit in the grass so paper flowers or plants can push up out of the ground)
  • Flower graphics
  • Sprouts (made by wrapping bean or wheat seed in wet paper towels for a day or two)
  • Water bottle (to spray and sprinkle flowers)
  • Water in a cup (to sprinkle)
  • Sprouts Spring Up In Springtime target text 

State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that today they will help some sprouts sprout as they hear and read words that begin with the letters /spr/.

Literacy Activities

  • Explain that in the spring, plants sprout up. Show the picture of flowers sprouting and let the children push the plants up out of the grass.
  • Show the sprouts or let the children make their own sprouts by keeping seeds in a moist cloth or paper towel for a few days.
  • Explain that sometimes sprouts spread out over a garden or yard. Have the children help you spread out the paper flowers.
  • Explain that flowers need water to grow. Spray and sprinkle the paper flowers with water to represent rain, then spray and sprinkle the sprouts.
  • Spread the sprouts around a certain area in the classroom. Let the children sprint from sprout to sprout to spray them with water. Remind the children that spray has two meaning—an array or a bunch of flowers, and to apply a liquid to something.

More Practice
Read target words

  • Engage the children in shared or simultaneous reading of Sprouts Spring Up In Springtime target text. After reading once, explain any unknown vocabulary and then reread the text.

Write about the activity

  • Have the children write sentences about the activity. Encourage them to use one or more of the following words: spray, spree, spring, sprout, spread, sprang, sprig, sprinkle.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
