String a Spring

String a Spring
Target text


Read and write words that end with the digraph ng.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • ring
  • sling
  • spring
  • string
  • swing
  • thing


  • Swing (see graphic and instructions below) made out of string and paper
  • Rings (e.g. washer rings, key rings, paper rings, etc.)
  • Springs (e.g. the spiral bindings from old spiral notebooks cut into springs)
  • Slings, strings, or other things that end in –ing
  • -ing word cards (see below)
  • Word blending letter cards (see below)
  • Bring Things to Swing and Fling target text (see below)
  • Swing a Swing and String a String target text (see below)
  • Make Springs Spring Up target text (see below)

State and model the objective

Tell the children that they will make a swing with paper and string while they read and write words that end in –ing. Make a list of words ending in –ing: swing, string, bring, sling, fling, ring, thing.

Practice the skill within an activity

  • Bring things to the swing
    • Make a swing with paper and string (see graphic and instructions below).
    • Place rings, springs, slings, and strings around the room, and tell the children that they each need to bring one thing to the swing.
    • Let each child place an object on the swing and, while pushing the swing, have them say, “I’m swinging a ____-ing (ring, string, spring, thing) on the swing.”
    • Repeat the activity with –ing word cards and have the children say, “I’m swinging the word ______ (ring, string, spring, thing) on the swing.”
  • String a spring on a string
    • Put a spring on a string.
    • Swing the string with the spring.
    • Put two or three springs on the string and let the springs ding and ping as they swing on the string.
    • Have the children string –ing words on the string (see word cards below).
    • Have the children read each –ing word then swing the words on the string.
  • Fling things off the swing and string
    • Fling and sling the swing or string into things.
    • Hold one end of the string, let go of the other end, and fling the string to make things fling off.
    • Make springs spring up.
    • Press down on a spring and let go to make it spring up.
    • Ask the children if the spring made a boing sound when it sprung up.

Apply the skill

  • Phonological Awareness
    • Word Building
      • With word blending letter cards (see below), have the children make new words by changing the vowel or the consonants:
        • ring --> ding; bring --> swing; string --> spring
        • ding --> dong; fling --> flung; ring --> rang
  • Read target words in texts (see below)
    • Engage the children in reading the target text Bring Things to Swing and Fling as a class/group.
    • Read the text again fading support.
    • Ask the children to listen for –ing words as you read the text together.
    • Have the children make a list of the words that end in –ing.
    • Repeat with the texts Swing a Swing and String a String and Make Springs Spring Up.
  • Write about the activity using target words/patterns
    • Give each child a paper and pencil and let them write about what they did when they had the chance to bring things to the swing. Have them include these words: swing, thing, bring, string, spring, ring, fling.
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SEEL Target Texts

Bring Things to Swing and Fling

Did you bring things to swing on a swing?
There are things we can swing on swings:
We can swing rings, springs, strings, and other things on a swing.
Did you bring things to string on strings?
There are things we can string on strings.
We can string rings and springs on strings.
Did you bring things we can fling?
There are things we can fling off swings.
We can fling rings and springs.
We can fling rings and springs off swings and strings.

Swing a Swing and String a String

Bring things that we can swing on a swing.
Bring a ring and a spring.
Swing a ring and a spring on the swing.
Swing the swing and let the ring and spring fling off the swing.
Bring things to string on strings
String rings and springs on strings.
Fling things off the string.
Fling rings and springs off strings.

Make Springs Spring Up

Let’s make springs spring up.
Bring some springs.
Press down on a spring
Let go of the spring.
See if the spring springs up.
Did the spring go boing when it sprung up?
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.