Thump and Thud

Thump and Thud
Target text


Read and write words spelled with the digraph th.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • thud
  • thump
  • thumb
  • three


  • Pictures of thumbs* 
  • Thump signs*
  • Th word cards* 
  • Thump and Thud target text*

*Items included below.


State and Model the Objective
The children will thump with their thumbs and then read and write words spelled with th such as thump, thumb, and thud

Literacy Activities 
Thump like Thumper

  • Point out that the letters t and h written together make the /th/ sound.
  • Tell the children about the rabbit named Thumper from the movie Bambi®.
  • Explain that Thumper got his name because he likes to thump his foot.
  • Ask the children to thump one foot like Thumper.
  • Show the children the Thump signs (found below) and point out that one sign has three thumps.
  • Alternate holding up the signs and have the children thump one time or three times as indicated by the sign.

Thump thumbs

  • Have the children cut out the thumb pictures (found below), being careful not to cut off the flaps on the side of the thumb.
  • Tell the children to write the letters t and h on the thumb picture.
  • Help the children attach the picture to their thumb by folding the flaps around their thumb and taping the flaps down.
  • Help the children read the word cards (found below).
  • Allow the children to thump their thumb on the th in the word on each card.

More Practice
Read target words in texts

  • Read the Thump and Thud target text (found below) to the children.
  • Have the children underline the words spelled with th.
  • Read the target text to the children and allow them to thump their foot each time they see a word spelled with th.
  • Engage the children in reading the text with you.
  • Read the target text again, fading support.
  • After reading the text, have the children look at the three words: thump, thud, and thumb.
  • Analyze the sounds at the end of the words; have the children put their thumb over the b in thumb and explain that the letter b is silent.

Write about objects that go “thud” or “thump”

  • Write the words thud and thump on something that all the children can see.
  • Explain to the children the difference between a thud (duller and lower) sound and a thump (louder) sound.
  • Tell the children that you are going to make different sounds by dropping objects on the floor or desk.
  • Invite the children to write the word thud or thump depending on the sound the object made.
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SEEL Target Texts

Thump and Thud

Be like Thumper and go thump, thump.
Thump your foot.
Thump, thump, thump.
Thud, thud.
Now thump your thumbs.
Thump, thump, thump.
Thump your thumb.
Thump, thump.
Thumbs can go thump too!
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.