Hurry and Scurry

Hurry and Scurry
Target text


Read and write words with the double letter combination -rr in the middle of the word.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • cherry
  • berry
  • borrow
  • scurry
  • hurry


  • Paper cherries and berries 
  • Plastic grocery bags
  • Cherry and Berry Pickers sign 
  • Cherry and Berry Store sign 
  • Hurry and Scurry target text

State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will pretend to pick, sell and buy cherries and berries as they read and write words with the double letter combination -rr pattern in the middle, such as hurry, scurry, berry, and cherry.

Literacy Activities
Cherries and berries

  • Place the Cherry and Berry Pickers sign at one end of the room and scatter cherry and berry graphics under it.
  • Place the Cherry and Berry Store sign at the other end with a table to set up the store on.
  • Write the following words on the board: cherry, hurry, and borrow, and ask the children what double letter combination these words have in common (-rr).
  • Read the Hurry and Scurry target text to the children, pointing out the double letter -rr combinations, then divide the children into three groups: cherry and berry pickers, sellers, and buyers.
  • Tell the cherry and berry pickers they can borrow a bag and scurry and hurry to gather the cherries and berries then carry them to the store.
  • Have the cherry and berry sellers set up the Cherry and Berry Store on the table, in a flurry of activity (a burst of busyness and excitement).
  • As the cherry and berry buyers arrive, the sellers should scurry and hurry to help the buyers choose their cherries and berries.
  • The sellers can ask, “How many cherries and berries do you want?” while the buyers can borrow a bag to carry their cherries and berries.
  • When the store runs out of cherries or berries, the sellers are sorry and say, “Don’t worry. We’ll get more cherries and berries.”
  • As the buyers leave, they should not scurry or hurry as they carry their cherries and berries home.
  • After all the cherry and berry buyers leave, the sellers clean up in a hurry.
  • Have the children help you create a -rr word list using words from the activity (i.e., cherry, berry, hurry, scurry, flurry, borrow)

More Practice
Read target words in a text

  • Read the Hurry and Scurry target text to the children, pointing out the words with the double rr combination in them.
  • Engage the children in reading the text simultaneously with you.
  • Read the text again fading support. 
  • Have the children underline the double letter rr combinations they find in the text.

Write about the activity using target words

  • Have the children write 2-3 sentences about picking, selling, or buying cherries and berries, using as many double letter rr words from the list on the board as possible (i.e., We hurry to sell cherries and berries. I borrowed a bag for cherries and berries.) .
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SEEL Target Texts

Hurry and Scurry

Hurry and scurry to pick cherries and berries.
The store will be open soon.
The sellers will worry if they don’t get cherries and berries.
Hurry! Scurry to carry the cherries and berries to the store.
Hurry and scurry to set up the store.
The buyers will arrive soon.
Carry cherries and berries from here to there.
The store is a flurry, but the sellers stay merry.
Hurry and scurry to sell the cherries.
The buyers borrow bags to carry their berries home.
The sellers feel sorry when the cherries and berries are gone.
But don’t worry! They’ll get more cherries and berries tomorrow.
Don’t hurry or scurry to clean up the store.
The buyers have carried their cherries and berries home.
As the sellers clean, they don’t need to be in a flurry.
Hurray! Their work is done.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.