Make a Trade

Make a Trade
Target text


Read and write words with the long-a-silent-e vowel pattern, such as trade and shape.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • trade
  • cake
  • grape
  • plate
  • tape
  • lake
  • game


  • Will You Trade with Me? target text*
  • Silent-e word cards*  

*Items included below.


State the Objective

  • Tell the children that they will read words with the long-a-silent-e vowel pattern while they trade for things with the long-a sound.




Literacy Activities

Read the text

  • Read the Will You Trade with Me? text (see below) with the children, emphasizing the words that follow the long-a-silent-e vowel pattern.
  • Ask the children to find long-a-silent-e words in the text.


  • Help the children make a list of the words with the long-a-silent-e pattern.

Make a trade

  • Give the children most of the word cards (see below) and keep some for yourself.
  • Tell the children that they will trade words with a long a and silent e.
  • Trade the cards with the children. Ask questions and make comments:
    • Would you trade a cane for a game?
    • Would you like a cake? It has a round shape.
    • I’ve got a lake. Do you have a cake?

Write about the activity

  • Have the children write long-a-silent-e words from dictation (eg., made, grape, lace, trade, cane, cake, rake, cape, tape, game, lake, plate, snake, and shape).
  • Have the children write sentences about things they can trade:
    • I got to trade a ____ for a _____.
    • I made a trade for a _____.
    • Will you take a ___ for a _____?
    • I can trade a ____ for a _____.
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SEEL Target Texts

Will you trade with me?

I like to sit in the shade with my cape on.
I have things to trade as I sit in the shade.
So, I will sit in the shade and make trades.   
I can trade a cake for a plate.
I want to trade a rake for a spade.

Will you trade with me?
Will you trade cake for a grape?
Can you trade a plane for a crane? 
  . . . or a plane for a skate?
What can I trade to get a game?
What will you take for a game?
And will you take a case for a crate?
I like to trade.  
But I will not trade my cape for a plate.
I want to save my cape and not trade it.
I like to trade as I sit in this place in the shade. 

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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.