Chip and Chop

Chip and Chop
Target text


Associate the letters ch with the /ch/ sound in words such as chop, cheese, and chocolate.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • chop
  • chip
  • chunk
  • cheese
  • chocolate
  • chip


  • Real items to chip or chop (e.g., chips, plain chocolate bar, chunk of cheese, Cheerios)
    • Substitutes: cardstock paper "chocolate bar" cut into "chips"; playdough to chop
  • Plastic knife
  • Picture cards*
  • Word blending cards*

*Items included below. 

State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will chip and chop different things while they practice saying the /ch/ sound in words that start with the letters ch, such as chop, chip, cheese, and chunk.

Literacy Activities
Chop and chip chunks

  • Write the letters ch on the board and explain that the letters c and h spelled together make the /ch/ sound.
  • Tell the children that they can hear the /ch/ sound in chop, chunks, and chip.
  • Show the children items that begin with /ch/ (e.g., chips, chunk of cheese, chocolate, Cheerios).
  • Explain that chop means to cut something into chunks or pieces and chip means to cut off small pieces called chips.
  • Demonstrate how to chop a piece off of a chunk of cheese (or playdough) and how to chip off small pieces from the chocolate bar (or a piece of cardstock colored like a chocolate bar, already cut into little "chips") using a plastic knife.
  • Let the children take turns chipping and chopping real or pretend items that begin with the /ch/ sound.
  • Make a list of words said in the activity that begin with /ch/ (e.g., chip, chop, chunks, cheese, chocolate, Cheerio).
  • Have the children circle the letters ch in each word and have them produce the /ch/ sound each time they circle the letters.

More Practice
Play “Choose Ch” (Go Fish for ch words)

  • Have the children circle the letters ch in the words on each picture card and emphasize that the letters c and h spelled together make the /ch/ sound.
  • Demonstrate how children can use picture cards to find words that begin with ch.
    • Shuffle the picture cards and help the children pass out the cards, distributing them equally between four players.
    • Show the children how to hold the cards so friends can’t see (place them in one hand with the cards facing away from others).
    • Have the children lay down any pairs of cards they have in their hand.
    • Let the children take turns picking a card from another player to make pairs (lay pairs face up on the floor), or let them skip a turn if a pair is not possible.
  • Explain that the first child to lay down all of their matches and get rid of all of their cards is the winner and says, “Cheer for /ch/!”

Identify, blend, and manipulate sounds

  • With word blending cards, have the children make new words by changing the vowel or either of the consonants:
    • chip chin chick
    • chip chop; chomp chimp

Write words with the target letter

  • Let the children write chip and chop on a piece of paper, then allow them to pretend to chop the words with a plastic knife.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.