A Nut in a Hut

A Nut in a Hut
Target text


Associate the letter U with the short /u/ sound as in up, nut, and sun.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • up
  • cut
  • nut
  • hut
  • bug
  • rug


  • Hut graphic
  • Rug graphic 
  • Nut word cards
  • Letter cards
  • Picture cards
  • Fun with a Bug on a Rug target text

The children will cut up a nut as they practice saying words with the short /u/ sound, such as up, cut, nut, hut, and gum.

Literacy Activities
Cut up the nut

  • Assemble the hut graphic.
  • Place the nut word cards inside the hut.
  • Have the children take each nut out of the hut to read the word on the card.
  • Point out that each word is spelled with the letter U, which makes the /u/ sound.
  • Have the children cut up each nut picture card in order to cut out the letter U in the word.

Put a bug on a rug

  • Show the children the rug graphic and lay out the picture cards.
  • Have the children find the bug picture card and put it on the rug.
  • Have the children say the sounds in the word on the picture card and then choose letter cards that match the sounds (e.g., /b/ + /u/ + /g/ = bug).
    • After they choose the correct letter cards, have them place the letter cards on the rug under the bug. 
  • Have the children put the letter cards in order on the lines of the practice sheet to make the word.
  • Repeat the activity using the other picture cards.
  • Point out that each word has the letter U, which makes the /u/ sound.

More Practice
Identify the target letter and associated sound in a text

  • Read the Fun with a Bug, Nut, and Cub target text together as a class.
  • Read the text again, allowing the children to read independently when possible.
  • Have the children underline the letter U in words with the /u/ sound.

Write the target letter

  • Give each child a whiteboard, and have the children write words as you say them, changing one or two letters each time to make a new word: up → cup → cut → nut → hut → hug → rug → run → bun → sun.
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SEEL Target Texts

Fun with a Bug, Nut, and Cub

Oh look!
a bug in a mug
and a mug on a rug
Tug the mug with the bug off the rug!
Oh look!
a nut
and a nut in a hut.
Shut the nut inside the hut.
Oh look!
a cub in a tub
and a scrub brush
Rub and scrub the cub in the tub.
Is it fun to play with a bug on a rug?
Is it fun to shut a nut inside a hut?
Is it fun to rub and scrub a cub in a tub?
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
