Fix the X Box

Fix the X Box
Target text


Associate the letter X with the /ks/ sounds as in fix, box, and six.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • fix
  • box
  • six
  • ox
  • fox
  • wax 


  • Empty box
  • Picture cards

The children will fix an X box with things that end in the letter X as they practice saying the /ks/ sounds heard in fox, wax, and fix.

Literacy Activities
Fix the X Box

  • Write the letter X on an empty box and show the children the box. 
  • Explain that the box is broken and can only be fixed by being filled with words that have the letter X.
  • Have a child choose a picture card and ask the class if the word will fix the X box.
    • If the word ends with a letter X , have the children respond “Yes!” and put the picture card into the box. 
    • If the word does not contain the letter X, have the child discard it.
  • When all the picture cards have been sorted, help the children make a list of the words in the box (support as needed). 
  • Point out that all of the words have the /ks/ sound.
  • Congratulate the children on fixing the X box!

More Practice
Write the target letter

  • Show the children how to write a letter X and have them write the letter X on pieces of paper.
  • Put the papers in a box and add in papers with other letters.
  • Have the children take turns selecting a paper.
    • If the letter is an X, have the children say “This goes in the X box!” and return it to the box. 
    • If the letter is not an X, have the children say “This doesn’t go in the X box!” and discard it. 
  • Repeat with picture cards if desired.
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SEEL At Home



Associate the letter X with the /ks/ sounds as in fix, box, six, and ax.


  • Picture cards
  • Empty box

Activity: Fix the X-Box

  • Write the letter X on an empty box. 
  • Explain to your child that the box is broken and can only be fixed by being filled with words that have the letter X.
  • Read the words on the picture cards with your child, and have him or her circle the letter X in each word.
  • Take turns choosing a picture and asking "Will a(n)  ____ fix the X box?"
    • If the item contains the /ks/ sound say, "Yes a(n)  ____ will fix the X box,"  and put it in the box. 
    • If the item does not make the /ks/ sound say, "No, a(n) ___ won't fix the X box," and set the picture aside.
  • Repeat as desired.

X Picture Cards

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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.