Zap a Cap
Target text


Read and write words that end in –ap.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • zap
  • cap
  • map
  • trap
  • flap
  • clap
  • yap


  • Pencil, straws, or craft sticks
  • Whiteboards and markers
  • Zap and Tap graphics, 2 pages
  • Zap a Cap text and Tap and Zap Words target texts
  • Tap the Magic Tree by Christie Matheson (Green Willow Books, 2013) (optional)

The children will use magic wands to change things or make things disappear, as they will read and write words that end in –ap such as zap, cap, map.

Literacy Activities
Zap the pictures

  • Give the children the two Zap and Tap graphics pages.
  • Have the children find and tap the cap, map and strap pictures with their finger. 
  • Have the children cut along the dotted lines on each page and then fold along the straight line to make a flap.  
  • Put the Zap and Tap graphic A on top of graphic B and staple twice down the left side of the page.
  • Give the children wands for tapping objects that end in the -ap sound.
  • Explain that when the children tap the pictures and say zap, they should fold each pair of flaps back to make the pictures disappear. 

Read Zap a Cap

  • Read the Zap a Cap text together.  Have the children zap the cap, map, and strap with their wands.  
  • Repeat the activity, but this time when the children zap, they should fold up only the top flaps to show the nap, clap, and trap pictures underneath. 
  • Write words that end in -ap on a word wall: zap, tap, cap, map, strap, trap, nap, clap.

Zap into different animals

  • Have the children zap with wands to turn each other into a cat that must nap, a bat that must flap, and a dog that must yap. (Explain that yap means to bark.)
  • Have the children act like and sound like the different animals and then zap each other back.
  • Write the words nap, flap, and yap to create (or add to) an -ap word wall.

More Practice  
Read target words in texts

  • Read the Zap a Cap text together and have the children zap or tap words that end in -ap.
  • Read the text again, fading support. 
  • Repeat with the Zap and Change text.

Write target words/patterns 

  • Give the children whiteboards and have them write words that end in -ap from dictation. 
  • Have the children write the word cap on a whiteboard then tell them to zap (erase) the letter C and write Z to change the word into zap.
  •  Allow the children to continue making new words on the whiteboard by changing the vowel or either of the consonants each time: cap  zap zip tip tap tan ran rap map.
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SEEL Target Texts

Zap a Cap

Look! I see a cap!
I see a map and a strap. 
Tap the cap to zap the cap.
Tap, tap, tap.
Zap the cap!
Zap the map!
Zap the strap!
The cap, map, and strap go away.
Now tap again to bring them back! 

Tap and Zap Words

Tap and zap to make words change!
Tap and zap the word cap to make nap.
Tap and zap the word map to make clap.
Tap and zap the word strap to make trap.
Tap, tap, tap.
Zap, zap, zap.
Now tap and zap to change the words back.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.