Pop the Popcorn

Pop the Popcorn
Target text


  • Recognize and produce the /p/ sound in a series of words that all begin with /p/.

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • pop
  • popcorn
  • pot
  • person
  • please


  • Popcorn kernels 
  • A pot 
  • Popcorn popper (e.g., air popper) 
  • Paper cup
  • Paper plates
  • Pop Popcorn target text 
  • Book: Popcorn by Frank Asch (optional) 

State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will pop real or pretend popcorn while they listen for words that begin with the /p/ sound, such as pop, pan, pot, packet, and paper.

Literacy Activities
Prepare to pop the popcorn

  • Give each child a paper plate and put, plop, pour, or place popcorn kernels on the plate.
  • Ask the children to fold their paper plates and pour the popcorn kernels into a popcorn popper.

Pop popcorn in a popper

  • Push the power button on the popcorn popper and tell the children not to make a peep and listen for the popcorn to pop. 
  • When the popcorn pops, have the children say: “Pop!” 
  • Point out that the popped popcorn is piling up in the popper.
  • Pour the popped popcorn from the “popper” to the pot.
  • Have the children pass the pot of popcorn from place to place and person to person as they say, “Please pass the popcorn.”
  • Let each child pick up a few pieces of popcorn with a paper cup and place them on their plates.
  • Invite the children to pinch and poke a piece of their popped popcorn.

Read Popcorn while the children eat (optional) 

  • Read Popcorn, by Frank Asch, while the children eat their pieces of popcorn.

More Practice
Read an alliterative text to highlight words that begin /p/

  • Display the Pop Popcorn target text large enough for children to easily see.
  • Read the text to the children, pointing to each word in left to right sequence.
  • Read the text again and have the children point to each word in left to right sequence. 
  • Show the children a P or p and ask them to find other words that begin with the /p/ sound as in pop, emphasizing the /p/ sound as you say the words and the children repeat them.

Pretend to be popcorn that pops 

  • With the children think of some words that begin with the /p/ sound, such as pop, pass, pickle, paint, and pie.
  • Have the children crouch on the ground as they pretend to be popcorn kernels in a popper ready to be popped.
  • Tell the children the popcorn is getting ready to pop, and that they are to say a word that starts with /p/ and pop up when you point to them (support as needed).
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SEEL Target Texts

Pop Popcorn

Put the popcorn in the popper. 
Watch the popcorn pop.
Watch the popcorn pop into a pot.
Popcorn pops. Popcorn pops.
It pops, pops, pops.
It pops in a popper.
It pops out into a pot.
Popcorn pops and pops and pops.

Let’s Pop Pop-corn

Let’s pop pop-corn.
We can pop it in a pot.  
We’ve got a pot with a slot in the top.
We can drop pop-corn seeds in the slot in the pot.
Drop pop-corn seeds in the slot in the pot.
Drop a lot of pop-corn in the pot.
Put a top on the pop-corn pot.
Let the pot get hot.
Do not touch the pot.
The pot is hot!
Pop a lot of pop-corn in the pot.
See the popcorn pop and hop.
The popcorn pops a lot.
The pop-corn pops out of the pot!
Stop! Stop, pop-corn!  
Do not pop lots and lots of pop-corn.
Do not hop out of the pot.
Put a top on the pot. 

Hop to a Pop-corn Shop

Let’s hop to a shop that pops pop-corn.
Drop pop-corn seeds in a box.
Put a top on the box. 
Do not let the pop-corn hop out.
Stop at the shop.
Drop the pop-corn in a slot in the pot.
Drop a lot of pop-corn in the pot.
When the pot gets hot, the pop-corn pops and hops.
See the pop-corn pop and hop.
Pop-corn hops out of the pot.
Stop! Stop, pop-corn!
Do not hop out of the pot!
Drop the pop-corn in a box.
Put a top on the pop-corn box.
Hop out of the shop with a box of pop-corn.

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