Sun and Stars

Sun and Stars
Target text


Recognize and/or produce the /s/ sound in a series of words that all begin with /s/.

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • star
  • sun
  • super
  • spin
  • space


  • Yellow butcher paper 

State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will skip and spin around a sun as they listen for words that begin with the /s/ sound, such as spin, space, super, and sat.

Literacy Activities 
Stars on the sun

  • Write the letter S on the sun (yellow butcher paper cut into a circle) for the children to see, then draw a small star on the sun and point out that sun and stars begin with the /s/ sound.
  • Hand out crayons or markers and have the children draw stars on the sun as they chant, “Stars, stars, stars on the sun, sun, sun!”
  • Let the children draw a small picture of a spaceman on the sun as they chant, “Spaceman, spaceman, spaceman on the sun, sun, sun.”

Spin and skip around the sun

  • Have the children stand in a circle around the sun and spin in place as everyone says, “Spin, spin, spin around the /s/ /s/ sun!”
  • Invite the children to skip around the sun slowly like a spaceman as they chant, “Skip, skip, skip around the /s/ /s/ sun!”
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SEEL At Home



Recognize and produce the /s/ sound in a series of words that all begin with /s/.


  • Sun graphic

Activity: Search in Space

  • With your child, draw as many S things on the sun as you can think of (e.g., stars, snowflakes, stripes, squiggles, smiley faces).
  • Chant together (e.g., "Stars, stars, stars on the sun, sun, sun!") as you draw each picture.
  • Write the letter S on the sun and have your child copy it as you make the /s/ sound together.
  • Skip around the sun making the /s/ sound, then try spinning or skating around it.



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