T Time
Target text


Recognize and produce the /t/ sound in a series of words that all begin with /t/.

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • time
  • turn
  • take
  • tap
  • twirl
  • toss


  • Clock face
  • T-shaped spinner
  • Brass brad to attach T-shaped spinner to clock face
  • Uppercase letter T
  • /t/ Actions target text 
  • Tasty treat for the children (optional)

State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will take turns twirling the letter T as they listen for words that start with the /t/ sound, such as twirl, toss, turn, and time.

Literacy Activities
Twirl, toss, and turn the T 

  • Pass out an uppercase letter T to each child, and have the children sit in a circle around the T-shaped spinner. 
  • Read the /t/ Actions target text, point out that each of the actions start with the /t/ sound, and have the children try each of the actions. 
  • Explain that the children will each have a turn twirling the spinner to see what action everyone will do together. 
  • Ask a child to twirl the spinner by saying, “It’s your turn to twirl the T” and have the rest of the children say, "It's T time!" when the spinner stops.
  • Invite the children to perform matching /t/ action in the text. 
  • Play the game so each child has a turn to twirl the spinner. 
  • Review all the words that start with /t/ with the children.
  • Reward all of the children with a tasty treat (optional).

More Practice 
Recognize the /t/ sound
Ask the children to listen for words that start with the /t/ sound as you say a variety of words (e.g., time, top, block, tree, house, tin, try).
Tell the children to touch their toes every time they hear a word that begins with the /t/ sound, supporting as necessary.
If a word doesn’t start with /t/ then they should sit still. 

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SEEL Target Texts

T Actions

1: Twirl with your T.
2: Toss your T in the air.
3: Turn your T upside down. 
4: Take your T to the closest table.
5: Tap your T on the ground two times.
6: Touch your T to your toes.
7: Twist back and forth with your T.
8: Trot in place with your T.
9: Tip your T sideways.
10: Topple your T to the floor (hold it high and drop it to the floor).
11: Turn and pass your T to another student close by.
12: Tick your T in a circle like a clock.
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SEEL At Home



Recognize and/or produce the /t/ sound in a series of words that all begin with /t/. 


  • /t/ Actions target text 
  • Uppercase letter T

Activity: It's T Time 

  • Read an action from the /t/ Action target text and have your child use the uppercase letter T to perform the action. 
  • Repeat the activity as many times as desired. 
  • Read each sentence on the action list, emphasizing the /t/ sound at the beginning of words and inviting your child to repeat those words.




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