Tent with Ts

Tent with Ts
Target text


Recognize and produce the /t/ sound in a series of words that all begin with /t/.

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • tent
  • tarp
  • trees
  • trail


  • Sheet or large cloth 
  • Large plastic bag 
  • Letter T
  • T tags 
  • Other cut-out letters 
  • T objects or pictures (e.g., towel, train, tree)

State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will set up a T tent and fill it with objects that start with the /t/ sound while they listen for words that begin with the /t/ sound, such as tenttarp, and tree.

Literacy Activities
Set up a T tent 

  • Create a line of letter T cutouts on the ground leading to an open space. 
  • Have the children follow the T trail. 
  • Take a cut-out letter T, put it on the ground, and tell the children that this is where they will place the tent. 
  • Explain to the children that before they can set up a tent, they have to put down a tarp (a plastic sheet to keep water out of the tent), then have the children help you put down the tarp. 
  • Have the children help you set up the tent by draping the sheet over chairs. 

T Tags

  • Help the children cut out pictures of trees. 
  • Make a pile of cut-out letters and ask the children to find the cut-out Ts, then put them next to or on the trees and the tent. 
  • Have the children find objects and pictures in the room that start with the /t/ sound (e.g., tools, train, towel), then tape T tags on the objects and pictures and put them in the tent. 
  • Pretend that the tent is tipping. Say, “Don’t tip the tent!” 

More Practice
Repeat words with the target letter 

  • Have the children tell you how to take a trek on the T trail to set up the tent. Emphasize the Ts and phrases with the /t/ sound. 
  • Have the children take the T trail back to their tent, but by only stepping on Ts and saying the /t/ sound every time they do. 
  • Ask the children to help you create a tongue twister with the /t/ words that you have talked about and let everyone have fun trying to say it. 
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SEEL At Home



Recognize and produce the /t/ sound in a series of words that all begin with /t/


  • Uppercase letter T
  • Picture cards 
  • Objects that begin with the /t/ sound 
  • A blanket to build a tent 
  • Tarp or a large towel 
  • Chairs 

Activity: Tent with Ts 

  • Have your child make a T trail (using the cut-out Ts) to where he or she wants to set up the tent. 
  • Follow the T trail together. Have him or her put down a tarp and set up a tent by draping a blanket over chairs. 
  • Have your child find objects that start with the /t/ sound or use the picture cards to put in their tent. 
  • Have your child put the cut-out Ts on the tent and T objects or picture cards. 
  • Pretend that the tent is tipping and say, "Don't tip the tent!" 




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