Caramel Cookies

Caramel Cookies
Target text


Recognize and name the uppercase letter and the lowercase letter c.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • cook
  • caramel
  • cookie
  • candy


  • Cookie letter cards
  • Mixing bowl, mixing spoon, measuring cups 
  • Paper towels 
  • Caramel Cookie Recipe
  • Chocolate cake mix 
  • 2 eggs 
  • 1/2 cup oil 
  • 1 package of Rolo chocolate candies, unwrapped 
  • Previously prepared caramel cookies (if an oven is inaccessible)
  • C cookies graphics

The children will find the letter C on cookies as they recognize and name the uppercase letter C and lowercase letter c

Literacy Activities
Find C cookies

  • Place cookie letter cards around the room. 
  • Write the uppercase letter C and lowercase letter c on a whiteboard, name the letters, and have the children write the C and c in the air with their fingers. 
  • Invite the children to find all of the cookie cards around the room. 
  • Help the children name and identify the letter on each card. 
    • If the letter on the card is a C, pretend to eat the cookie. 
    • If the letter is not a C, place the cookie in a discard pile.
  • When all the cookie cards have been found and identified, have the children help you count how many C cookies they found.

Cook Caramel Cookies

  • Show the children how to make caramel cookies according to the recipe.
  • Note: If you do not have access to an oven, set the unbaked cookies aside and serve previously prepared caramel cookies.

More Practice
Identify the target letter 

  • Mix up the cookie letter cards, have the children take turns choosing a card, and help them identify each letter chosen. 
    • If the letter is a C, have the children place the letter on one of the boxes surrounding the C cookie graphic. 
    • If the letter is not a C, put it in a discard pile. 
  • Once all of the C letter cards have been placed around the cookies, point out that the letters are placed in a circle, the same shape as a cookie. 

Write the target letter 

  • Have the children write the letter C around the C cookie graphic (support as needed). 
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SEEL Target Texts

Caramel Cookie Recipe

1 box chocolate cake mix 
2 eggs 
1/2 cup oil 
1 package of Rolo chocolate candies, unwrapped
Mix all of the ingredients (except for the Rolos) together in a bowl until the mixture is the texture of play dough. 
Take a small spoonful of the cookie dough and place a Rolo in the center, then place the dough ball on a non-greased pan about 1 inch apart. 
Bake the cookies at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 7 to 8 minutes until the cookies start to crackle. 
Let cookies cool completely before serving them to the children. The cookies will flatten out as they cool.
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SEEL At Home



Recognize and name the uppercase letter C and lowercase letter c


  • Cookie picture cards
  • Caramel cookies recipe
  • Ingredients for caramel cookies (optional—see recipe) 

Activity: Caramel Cookies 

  • Before the activity, cut apart and place the cookie picture cards around the room. 
  • Invite your child to find all of the cookie cards. 
  • Help your child name and identify the letter on each cookie. 
    • If the letter on the cookie is a C or a c, pretend to eat the cookie. 
    • If the letter is not a C or a c, put the cookie in a discard pile. 
  • Have your child write the letter C on the back of each cookie (support as needed). 

Optional Activity: Cooking caramel cookies 

  • With your child, follow the recipe for cooking caramel cookies.
  • Have your child practice writing the letter C several times on a page to earn a cookie (optional).

Cookie Picture Cards and Recipe

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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.