Exploring for E

Exploring for E
Target text


Recognize and name the letter E.


See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • excellent
  • explorer
  • envelope
  • everybody
  • elegant


  • Letter cards
  • Paper binoculars
  • Envelope
  • Explore for E letter page
  • E letter-writing practice page

The children will explore the room to find Es as they recognize and name the letter E.

Literacy Activities
Explore for Es

  • Make binoculars by rolling half sheets of paper into cylinders and then tape them together and attach a string.
  • Write the letter E on a whiteboard, name the letter, and have the children write the E in the air with their fingers.
  • Place E letter cards around the room along with distractor letters.
  • Using pretend binoculars, have the children explore the room looking for the E letter cards.
  • When a child finds an E letter card, have him or her say, “I found an E! I’ll put the E in an envelope!”
    • If a child misidentifies a distractor letter as the letter E, have the child compare the letter to the E on the whiteboard.
  • Have the children put all of the E letter cards in an envelope.

Exploding Envelope

  • Place the E letter cards in an envelope.
  • Make the Es explode out of the envelope by turning it inside out, then show the children the empty envelope.
  • Have the children gather up the letter cards and put them in the envelope saying, “I put an E in the envelope.”

More Practice
Find the target letter mixed in with other letters

  • Tell the children they will explore and look for more Es on a paper.
  • Display the page of mixed-up letters and have the children find and circle the letter E.
  • Have the children say, “I found an E!” every time they circle a letter.
    • If a child misidentifies a distractor letter as the letter E, have the child compare the letter to the E on the whiteboard.

Write Es

  • Give the children the letter-writing practice page.
  • Let the children trace the Es and then write the Es on their own, using the lines as a guide.
  • Let the children color their Es to make them elegant when they finish writing them (optional).
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
