Plain Chain
Target text


Recognize words that rhyme with chain (e.g., "Do chain and brain rhyme?") and produce rhyme words (e.g., "Think of a word that rhymes with chain.").


See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • cane
  • rain
  • chain
  • plain
  • train
  • plane
  • brain


  • Paper chain 
  • Picture cards* 
  • Bowl or bag

*Item included below.

State and Model the Objective
The children will decorate a plain chain and then recognize and produce words that rhyme with chain, such as plain, drain, plane, and cane

Literacy Activities 
Decorate a plain chain

  • Cut out the picture cards (see below) and place them in a bowl or bag. 
  • Show the children the plain chain and explain that they will be helping to decorate it with things that rhyme with chain (e.g., train, plane, brain, rain, cane).
  • Have a child choose a picture card and help him or her identify it. 
  • Ask the children if the picture card rhymes with chain. 
    • If it rhymes, have children chant phrases like, "Put the train on the plain chain!" as you tape it onto the chain. 
    • If it doesn’t rhyme, have the child say phrases like, "A book cannot go on our plain chain!" and place the card in a discard pile.
  • Repeat until all the pictures have been sorted or until every child has had a turn. 
  • Hang the chain up in the classroom low enough for the children to see, if desired. 

More Practice
Produce words that rhyme with chain

  • Remind the children of words that rhyme with chain (e.g., plain, train, rain). 
  • Help the children think of other words that rhyme with chain (support as needed).

Rhyming with picture cards 

  • Lay out two picture cards showing words that rhyme with chain (e.g., train and rain) and one picture that does not rhyme with chain (e.g., cheese). 
  • Invite the children to help you identify the picture that does not rhyme. 
  • Remove the picture that does not rhyme with chain. 
  • Repeat with other sets of picture cards: 
    • train, plane, bat 
    • chain, brain, boat 
    • rain, cane, dog 
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SEEL At Home


Recognize and produce words that rhyme with chain.


  • 10–15 strips of paper 
  • Tape or stapler 

Activity: Chain Train 

  • With your child, think of words that rhyme with chain (e.g., train, brain, plane, cane).
  • Take turns saying words that rhyme with chain as you build a chain with strips of paper (tape each strip into a loop as you link them together). 
  • Ask your child to hold one end of the chain as you hold the other end, then have your child lead you around the room like you are on a train. 
  • Look around the room to see if you can find any more words that rhyme with chain, like drain, plane, stain, or crane.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.