Star Car
Target text


Recognize words that rhyme with car (e.g., “Do star and car rhyme?”) and produce rhyme words (e.g., “Think of a word that rhymes with car.”).

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • car
  • far
  • jar
  • are
  • star


  • Chair
  • Jar
  • Large star graphic*
  • Small star graphics* 
  • We Are in a Big Star Car target text*

*Items included below


State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will pretend to drive far in a car and recognize and produce words that rhyme with car, such as star, far, jar, and tar.

Literacy Activities
Let's go far in a car

  • Place the small star graphics in the jar and the large star graphic at one end of the room (graphics found below).
  • Teach the children the We Are in a Big Star Car song (to the tune of “Mary Had a Little Lamb”) found below.
  • Ask the children to listen for words that rhyme with car while they pretend to go on a car ride as outlined below:
Say: Suggested Actions:
Let's make a car so we can go far.  Set up groups of 4-6 chairs to be a pretend car. 
Let's make a Star Car! Take a star from the jar. Put a star on the car.  Have children decorate the chairs with stars. Each time a star is placed on a chair, say together, "A star for the car."
Our Star Car is ready. Get in the Star Car.  Point to the chairs, and have children take a seat. 
Buckle up in the Star Car. Shall we go far? I'll start the car. We'll drive far in the Star Car.  Pretend to buckle up and start the engine. Have children make the -ar sound, pretending to be the car. 
The car is going far. Let's sing in the car.  Sing the We are in a Big Star Car song together. 
Oh look, it's getting dark! Can you see the star? We went far in our Star Car. Point toward the large star at the other end of the room. 
  • Help the children recall and say the words that rhyme with car that they heard during the activity: far, car, jar, are.

More Practice
Produce words that rhyme with car

  • Give each of the children a star graphic and ask each child to think of a word that rhymes with car.
  • Pass a jar around the circle and allow each child to say a word that rhymes with car as they place their star in the jar (support as needed).
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SEEL Target Texts

We Are in a Big Star Car


​​​​​​We are in a big star car,
Big star car, big star car.
We are in a big star car.
This car is going far.
*Sung to the tune of "Mary Had a Little Lamb"
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SEEL At Home


Recognize and produce words that rhyme with car.


  • Star graphics 

Activity: Star Car

  • Tell your child you will be going on a real (or pretend) Star Car trip, and place the star graphics in a car (or room) where your child can see them.
  • Have your child listen for words that rhyme with car as together you sing the We Are in a Big Star Car song (to the tune of “Mary Had a Little Lamb”):
  • Play a game in the car (or pretend car) where you each look for a star and say a word that rhymes with car.


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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.