The following State of Utah requirements for administrative licensure are found in Utah Administrative Code R277-505-4:

  1. A Level 2 teaching license or equivalent from another state with area of concentration
  2. A master's or more advanced degree
  3. Completion of an education administrative program
  4. A passing score on the Administrative Praxis (5412), a state board–approved administrative test
  5. Three years of acceptable full-time professional experience in an education-related position in a public or accredited private or parochial school 
  6. A recommendation from a Utah institution with a preparation program that has been board approved
  7. Completion of an administrative internship

Recommendation for Administrative Licensure 

Upon completion of all program requirements, including the administrative internship, students request a recommendation for administrative licensure. The BYU School Leadership Program can provide this recommendation for students who have completed all program requirements within the past five years. After five years, a licensure candidate may need to meet additional requirements for qualification equivalent to our currently accredited program. 

Additional information may be found in the Student Program Handbook.

Pursing Administrative Positions 

Students seeking administrative positions are responsible for making their own applications, understanding application processes and required materials, and meeting application deadlines. Attend carefully to district application deadlines and requirements as many district deadlines are in the Fall and Winter semesters—before you graduate. Contact the Human Resources Departments in each district for more information.