Contributors Showcasing their research at a convention

Recent Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

*Student-led or co-authored

Cutrer-Párraga, E. A., Allen, G. E. K., Miller, E.E.,**Garrett, M.F., Conklin, H., Franklin, C. N., Norton, A., **Hee, C., & **Coffey, B.K. (in press, 2023). Perceptions and barriers about mental health services among Pacific Islanders: An interpretative phonological analysis. Journal of Counseling Psychology.

*Greenall, R. F., de Alba, J. G., Nichols, S., Allen, G. E. K., & Bailey, E. G. (2023). Intersecting identities: A look at how ethnic identity interacts with science identity in Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander students. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 22(4), ar43.

Allen, G. E. K., **Ming, M., **Hyde, S., **Bozzelli, A., **Rodgers, G., **Sagebin, F. M. & Thompson, M. S. (2023). Investigating religious commitment, perceived religious oppression, self-esteem, depression, and life satisfaction among Latter-day Saint women. Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health.

Contributors Showcasing their research at a convention

Recent Refereed Presentations

*Student-led or co-authored

Allen, G. E. K., (2023). Overview of recent research on perfectionism, scrupulosity, and mental health among Latter-day Saints. Symposium session at the 2023 APA Convention, Washington, DC.

*Bunnell, K., **Baughan, E. C., Ferguson, M. A., Smith, G. S., Smith, B. M., Allen, G. E. K., Nielsen, J. A. (2024). An fMRI investigation of the brain circuits involved in religious obsessive-compulsive disorder. Presentation at the Society of Biological Psychiatry, Austin, TX.

*Norton, A. & Allen, G. E. K. (2023). Factor structure and validity of the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scales (DASS-21) with Pacific Islanders. Presentation at the 2023 APA Convention, Washington, DC.

*Taito, G., *Roan, M. Feinauer, E., *Webster, R., Cutrer-Parraga, E., *Coffey, B. & Allen, G. E. K. (2023). Exploring spiritual, cultural, and indigenous ways of healing in psychotherapy in Fiji. Presentation at the 2023 APA Convention, Washington, DC.

Contributors Showcasing their research at a convention

**Gable, M., **Baughan, E., *Bunnell, K., Ferguson, M. A., Smith, G. S., Smith, B. M., Allen, G. E. K., & Nielsen, J. A. (2023). Brain morphometry and scrupulosity. Biological Psychiatry, 93, 9, Supplement.

**Baughan, E., *Bunnell, K., Ferguson, M. A., Smith, G. S., Smith, B. M., Allen, G. E. K., & Nielsen, J. A. (2023). An fMRI Investigation of brain circuitry involved in emotional processing and scrupulosity. Biological Psychiatry, 93, 9, Supplement.

*Bunnell, B., **Baughan, E. C., Ferguson, M. A., Smith, G. S., Smith, B. M., Allen, G. E. K. Allen, & Nielsen, J. A. (2023). A Reliability study of the Religious Distress Task—An fMRI task for scrupulosity. Biological Psychiatry, 93, 9, Supplement.