We are your

first line of support

for all technology needs.

The ECS team is the primary technology support for the McKay School faculty and staff. With services ranging from software subscription management to teaching technology skills, we're here to help YOU.

Contact Information

Office: 188 MCKB

Email: ecs@byu.edu

Phone: (801) 422-7796

Hours of Operation


8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

(excluding holidays and devotionals)

For IT support or a new computer transfer Schedule an Appointment 

Tech Support Services

Tech Support

We provide general tech support, including email set-up and connecting to wifi.

Data Services

We offer data backup, recovery, and transfer assistance.

Software Management

We handle software inventory, licenses, and subscriptions.

Tech for Checkout


We lend Mac OS and Windows laptop computers that you can borrow for up to a week.

Portable Tech

We lend iPads and tablets that are available for check-out for up to a week.


Check-out our Educational Programming robots including Beebots, Ozobots, and Dash!

Conferencing & Presentations

We lend projectors, conferencing microphones, OWL conference video cameras, or Swivls.


We provide hardware like adapters, mouses, monitors, etc.

Tech for Teaching

We provide Audio and Visual equipment for the classroom, and support for the equipment.

Robots and SWIVLs are available from the IP&T department for checkout

For additional help or in an emergency, contact BYU's Office of Information Technology at support.byu.edu or call 801-422-4000

Meet the Team