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Blake  Hansen

Blake Hansen


Associate Professor



Contact Information

Office: 340J MCKB

Phone: 801-422-4691


I received my PhD in Behavioral Psychology from the University of Kansas in 2010. Prior to that I received my MS in Special Education and BA in History from the University of Utah.

I teach courses on applied behavior analysis, language and literacy, and interdisciplinary collaboration.

CPSE 628, Supervision in Applied Behavior Analysis
CPSE 603, Principles of Verbal Behavior
CPSE 430, Teaching Reading to Students with Severe Disabilities
CPSE 410, Applied Behavior Analysis
CPSE 300, Introduction to Special Education

My current research focuses on parenting children with disabilities. We utilize the processes and procedures found in acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), especially on the analysis of language and cognition associated with parenting. I am a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (doctoral) and I do engage in consultation and direct treatment of behavior challenges in individuals with autism.

  • Research Article of the Year Award — 2021
    • Sponsor: Journal of Special Education Technology
    • Ryan Kellems was lead author, I contributed to research design and planning. This journal is the premier journal of in special education technologies.
  • Benjamin Cluff Jr. Excellence in Education Award — 2017
    • Sponsor: David O McKay School of Education
    • Received for research contributions.
  • Doctoral Student Award — 2009
    • Sponsor: Midwest Symposium for Leadership in Behavior Disorders

Using Video Modeling Via iPads to Teach Multiplication to Struggling Learners

Pages: 1-12

Journal: Journal of Special Education Technology

Date: 2023

Evaluation of a Pyramidal Parent Training Model in Albania

Publisher: Alma Mater Europeae University

City: Ljubljana

Country: Slovenia

Volume: 2

Issue: 2

Pages: 40-48

Journal: Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences

Date: 2023

Managing student behavior in a middle school special education classroom using CW-FIT tier 1.

Publisher: Springer

Volume: 29

Issue: 1

Pages: 168-187

Journal: Journal of Behavioral Education

Date: 2020


Latency‐based functional analysis in schools: Correspondence and differences across environments

Publisher: Wiley

Editors: William Ahearn

Volume: 34

Issue: 3

Pages: 366-376

Journal: Behavioral Interventions

Date: 2019

The Impact of Social Communication on Employment Success for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders


Publisher: American Academy of Special Education Professionals

City: Chandler, Arizona

Country: United States of America

Volume: Winter 2020


Pages: 68-80

Journal: Journal of the American Academy of Special Education Professionals

Date: 2019

ISSN: EISSN-2325-7466

Managing student behavior in a middle school special education classroom using CW-FIT tier 1.

Publisher: Springer

Editors: Terry S. Falcomata

Country: US

Volume: Online First

Journal: Journal of Behavioral Education

Date: 2018


Functional MRI connectivity of children with autism and low verbal and cognitive abilities


Publisher: Biomed Central

Editors: Simon Baron Cohen

Country: United Kingdom

Volume: 9

Issue: 67


Journal: Molecular Autism

Date: 2018


Self-injurious behavior profiles in Cornelia de Lange and Fragile X syndromes

Volume: In Press

Journal: American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A: Neuropsychiatric Genetics

Date: 2017


Publisher: Sage

Journal: Sage Encyclopedia of Intellectual and Developmental Disorders

Date: 2016

Implementing positive behavior support in preschools: An exploratory study of CW-FIT tier 1.


Publisher: SAGE

Volume: 19


Pages: 48-60

Journal: Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions

Date: 2016


Relationship Between Brain stem Volume and aggression in Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Publisher: Elsevier

Volume: 34

Pages: 44-51

Journal: Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders

Date: 2016

Teaching Multi-Step Math Skills to Students with Disabilities Via Video Prompting

Volume: 58

Pages: 31-44

Journal: Research in Developmental Disabilities

Date: 2016

Selective Mutism

Publisher: Sage

Journal: Sage Encyclopedia of Intellectual and Developmental Disorders

Date: 2016

Student and Teacher Outcomes of the Class-Wide Function-Related Intervention Team Efficacy Trial

Publisher: Council for Exceptional Children

Volume: 83

Issue: 1

Journal: Exceptional Children

Date: 2015

Applied Behavior Analysis

Publisher: Sage Publications

Journal: Sage Encyclopedia of Theory in Psychology

Date: 2014

The effects of aligning self-management interventions to functional behavioral assessment

Publisher: West Virginia University Press

City: Morgantown, WV

Country: United States

Volume: 37

Issue: 3

Pages: 393-406

Journal: Education and Treatment of Children

Date: 2014


The effects of function-based self-management interventions on student behavior

Publisher: Sage Publications

Editors: Thomas Farmer

Country: United States

Journal: Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

Date: 2012


Selective Mutism and Social Anxiety Characteristics in Cornelia de Lange and Fragile X Syndromes

Volume: 167

Issue: 6

Pages: 1167

Journal: American Journal of Medical Genetics

Effects of Naturalistic Instruction on Phonological Awareness Skills of Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Editors: Johnny Matson

Volume: 35

Pages: 2790-2801

Journal: Research in Developmental Disabilities

Functional Behavior Assessment and Intervention Design

Publisher: Routledge

Editors: Steven Lee, Christopher Niileksela

City: New York

Country: United States

Pages: 97-117

Journal: Ecobehavioral Consultation in Schools: Theory and Practice for School Psychologists, Special Educators, and School Counselors

Effects of an antecedent intervention on repetitive behaviors in a child with autism

Volume: 37

Pages: 51-62

Journal: Child & Family Behavior Therapy

Cornelia de Lange syndrome and the Cohesin complex: Abstracts from the 9th Biennial Scientific and Educational Virtual Symposium 2020

Volume: 188

Issue: 3

Journal: American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A

Selective Mutism and Social Anxiety in Cornelia de Lange Syndrome


Publisher: Cornelia de Lange Syndrome Foundation


Journal: Reaching Out

Selective Mutism and Social Anxiety in CdLS

Issue: Fall

Journal: Reaching Out: The Newsletter of the Cornelia de Lange Syndrome Foundation

The effects of goal setting, contingent reward, and instruction on writing skills

Publisher: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

Volume: 47

Issue: 1

Pages: 171175

The classwide function-based intervention team program

Publisher: Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth

Volume: 54

Issue: 3

Pages: 164171

The Effects of Function-Based Self-Management Interventions


Publisher: University of Kansas

City: Lawrence, Kansas


The Role of Single-case Research Designs in the Selection of Interventions for Students with Learning and Behavior Difficulties

Publisher: Department of Special Education, University of Utah

Teaching conversation skills to adults with developmental disabilities using a video-based intervention package

Journal: Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation

Class-Wide Function-Related Intervention Teams "CW-FIT" Efficacy Trial Outcomes

Volume: 17

Issue: 3

Journal: Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions

Managing Student Behavior with Class-Wide Function-Related Intervention Teams: An Observational Study in Early Elementary Classrooms

Publisher: Springer

Country: USA

Volume: 43

Issue: 5

Pages: 357-365

Journal: Early Childhood Education Journal


Increasing Compliance in Students With Intellectual Disabilities Using Functional Behavioral Assessment and Self-Monitoring

Publisher: Remedial and Special Education

Volume: 36

Issue: 4

Pages: 0741932514554102

Evaluation of a verbal behavior intervention embedded in play contexts for children with autism

Managing Student Behavior in Dual Immersion Classrooms: A Study of Class-Wide Function-Related Intervention Teams

Publisher: Sage

Volume: 41

Pages: 626-646

Journal: Behavior Modification


Discrete Trial Teaching Interventions for Students With Autism


Publisher: SAGE Journals

Volume: 32

Issue: 3


Pages: 138-148

Journal: Journal of Special Education Technology

ISSN: 0162-6434

Discrete trial teaching interventions for students with autism: Web-based video modeling for paraprofessionals

Volume: 32

Issue: 3

Journal: Journal of Special Education Technology

An Evaluation of a Behavioral Parent Training in the Republic of Macedonia

Journal: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

Does the Noise Matter? Exploring Salient Audio Components in Video Prompting Interventions

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

Volume: 1

Issue: 4

Pages: 294-307

Journal: Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders


Increasing Positive Playground Interaction for Kindergarten Students at Risk for Emotional and Behavioral Disorders


Publisher: Springer

Volume: 46


Pages: 10

Journal: Early Childhood Education Journal


Improving Student Behavior in Art Classrooms: An Exploratory Study of CW-FIT Tier 1

Publisher: SAGE

Editors: Lee Kern and Kathleen Lane

Volume: 20

Pages: 11

Journal: Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions


Varying opportunities to respond to improve behavior of elementary students with developmental disabilities

Publisher: T&K Academic

Editors: Kamil ZERK

City: Oslo

Country: NORWAY

Volume: 11

Pages: 327-334

Journal: International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education


Effectiveness of Video Prompting Delivered via Augmented Reality for Teaching Transition-Related Math Skills to Adults With Intellectual Disabilities


Publisher: Journal of Special Education Technology


ISSN: 01626434