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Ryan Kellems

Ryan Kellems





Contact Information

Office: 340F MCKB

Phone: 801-422-6674


Dr. Ryan Kellems is an associate professor and Fulbright Scholar in the the Counseling Psychology and Special Education department at Brigham Young University. Prior to coming to BYU Dr. Kellems was on the faculty at the University of Oregon where he worked with the National Post-School Outcomes Center. His primary research interests are video modeling, transition for students with disabilities, post-school outcomes of students with disabilities, assistive technology, and working with young adults with autism in community-based vocational settings. One of Dr. Kellems areas of expertise is using the latest technology to assist students with disabilities as they transition to life after school. Prior to completing his doctoral degree Dr. Kellems was a high school teacher where he worked in both rural and urban settings as a special education and Social Studies teacher.

Dr. Kellems is currently conducting studies exploring the use of Augmented Reality and Live Animation to teach different skills (social, academic and independent living) to individuals with disabilities such as autism, LD and ID.

Dr. Kellems also conducts professional development across the country related to implementing video modeling in academic and community based settings.

Dr. Kellems served as a Fulbright Scholar in 2022 to Budapest Hungary where he taught and conducted research on Autism at Eötvös Loránd University in the Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Needs Education.

Special Education
Assessment and Evaluation of Students with Exceptional Needs
Education and Multicultural Issues in Special Education
Curriculum & Instruction for Secondary Students
Student Teaching: Mild/Moderate Disabilities

Augmented Reality (AR)
Video Modeling
Mobile Technology (iPads, iPods & tablets)
Live Animation
Secondary Special Education
Inclusive Education
Professional Development for Special Education Teachers

  • Nancy Peery Marriot Excellence in Research — 2022
    • Sponsor: Mckay School of Educaton
    • Given to one faculty member per year in the Mckay School of Education at BYU to recognize a faculty members research.
  • Fulbright Scholar — 2021–2022
    • Sponsor: United States Department of State
    • Eötvös Loránd University, Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Needs Education. Budapest, Hungary. Project iHAT: Improving the Quality of Life for Hungarians with Autism via Technology-Based Interventions. 2022
  • JSET Research Article of the Year — 2021–2022
    • Sponsor: Journal of Special Education Technology
    • Research Article of the Year for the article: <i>Effectiveness of Video Prompting Delivered via Augmented Reality for Teaching Transition-Related Math Skills to Adults With Intellectual Disabilities</i>.
  • Outstanding Service Award — 2017
    • Sponsor: DCDT- Division on Career Development and Transition

Effectiveness of avatar-delivered instruction on social initiations by children who have autism spectrum disorder.

Publisher: Elsevier

Journal: Research in Autism Spectrum Disorder

Date: 2019


Using an augmented reality based teaching strategy to teach mathematics to secondary students with disabilities.


Publisher: Sage

Country: USA

Volume: 42

Issue: 4


Pages: 253-258

Journal: Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals

Date: 2019

Using video-based instruction via augmented reality to teach mathematics to middle school students with learning disabilities

Publisher: Sage

Country: USA

Journal: Journal of Learning Disabilities

Date: 2019

The education of individuals with disabilities in Guyana: An Overview


Volume: 54

Issue: 4


Pages: 246-250

Journal: Preventing School Failure

Date: 2018

Functional MRI connectivity of children with autism and low verbal and cognitive abilities


Publisher: Biomed Central

Editors: Simon Baron Cohen

Country: United Kingdom

Volume: 9

Issue: 67


Journal: Molecular Autism

Date: 2018


Inclusion in General Education: Strategies for Embedding Transition in Academic Content

Publisher: Brookes

Journal: The Educators Guide to Implementing Transition Planning and Services

Date: 2017

Teaching Multi-Step Math Skills to Students with Disabilities Via Video Prompting

Volume: 58

Pages: 31-44

Journal: Research in Developmental Disabilities

Date: 2016

Using Visual Organizers and Technology: Supporting Executive Functioning and Academics

Publisher: Springer

Editors: Cardon, T.A.

City: New York

Country: United States

Journal: The Use of Technology in the Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders (Autism and Child Psychopathology Series

Date: 2015

ISBN: 978-3319208718

Using Content Acquisition Podcasts to Deliver Core Content to Preservice Teacher Candidates

Publisher: SAGE Journals

Volume: 50

Issue: 3

Pages: 163168

Journal: Intervention in School and Clinic


A Delphi Study to Operationalize Evidence-Based Predictors in Secondary Transition

Publisher: Hammill Institute on Disabilities

Volume: 38

Issue: 2

Pages: 113-126

Journal: Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals

ISSN: 2165-1434


Using Video Modeling Delivered through iPods to Teach Vocational Tasks to Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Publisher: Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals

Volume: 35

Issue: 3

Pages: 155167


Tips for Transition

Publisher: Council for Exceptional Children

Volume: 43

Issue: 2

Pages: 6068

Journal: Teaching Exceptional Children
