
Where are you from?
I was born in Rome, Italy.

What and where have you studied?
BYU – B.A. (Anthropology / Anthropology Teaching major)
University of Utah – M.A. – Linguistics (Applied Linguistics)
UNLV – PhD – Curriculum & Instruction (TESOL)

Where have you previously worked?
University of Utah, UNLV, Idaho State University, and before that a few high schools.

What is your current job title? Please describe what you do in that position.
Associate Professor in the Department of Teacher Education. I teach TESOL K-12 courses and do research concerning gesture and second language learning, as well as Vygotskian Sociocultural Theory.

What are you most likely to become famous for?
Cooking awesome lasagna.

Do you collect anything?
I still have my old matchbox and hot wheel cars and sometimes I buy new ones when I can afford it.

If your entire life was a movie, what would the title be?
In Search of the Last Digit in π (Pi).

Where could we find you on most Saturday mornings?
Watching one of my children’s soccer games.

Where is your favorite place to go on vacation?
Italy – there are still so many places I haven’t seen there.

Your house is on fire, you have 3 minutes to grab 3 things. What are they?
Collected Works of Vygotsky, Volumes 1, 3, & 4.

What is one thing you can’t live without?
Definitely need my Nutella.