Erin Feinauer Whiting

Where are you from?

I was raised in Beaverton, Oregon, but moved my senior year of high school and graduated from Highland High School in Salt Lake City.

What and where have you studied?

I completed a BS and MS in Sociology from BYU and then graduated from the University of Missouri-Columbia with a PhD in Rural Sociology.

Where have you previously worked?

After my PhD, I was initially hired to work in the Sociology Department at BYU.

What is your current job title? Please describe what you do in that position.

I am a professor of teacher education. My responsibilities are to prepare and teach the multicultural education course for secondary education majors. I also study the social context of schooling including specifically how to provide equitable learning experiences and inclusive school spaces.

What was the first career you dreamed of having as a kid?

I wanted to be a teacher. I used to get the neighborhood kids to come to my “school,” so I could “teach” them things I was learning that I thought were cool.

What would you rate 10/10?

A lovely fall overcast rainy day.

Do you collect anything?

No, the opposite actually. In our family we had to make rules so that I would not get rid of things out of season when I forget we might still need them.

What is your go-to weeknight meal?

Tacos. I can always crack up some yummy tacos.

Where could we find you on most Saturday mornings?

Working on a house project. Building something or fixing something.

Would you rather spend a night out on the town or stay home inside with a book?

Definitely at home with a book or watching my kids in their various performances.

What is one thing you can’t live without?

Chocolate. I drink (unsweetened) chocolate tea pretty much every morning... and then I eat other forms of chocolate (sweetened) through the day 😊