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International Students Work with Professors to Continue Their Education

Global challenges are posing problems for many international students. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic forced many to return to their home countries, including Franklin Moses and Angel Huang. But these graduate students in the BYU Educational Leadership and Foundations Department are continuing their education with help from professors.
Back in their home countries of Ghana and China, Moses and Huang attended classes online, beginning as late as 11 p.m. and as early as 5 a.m. Along with the time difference, Huang faced difficulties because of China’s strict internet policies, while Moses balanced school and work as head of marketing for KAAF University College in Ghana.
As in-person classes resumed, Huang returned to Provo. However, Moses was unable to acquire his visa and is still learning from Ghana.
While both students say online learning from another country has its challenges, “teachers and professors at BYU are highly qualified and committed to their students’ success,” Moses says. “Zoom classes were still informative and thorough.”

Professor Donald R. Baum says, “We as a department decided that, as much as possible, we would make accommodations” to provide the best learning experience. Professors often met with remote students one-on-one. Huang is grateful for this and says, “The one-on-one time or office hours with Dr. Hilton were especially helpful.”
Despite the challenges, both have enjoyed their experiences. Huang values the cultural exchange, and Moses appreciates the global conversations in his classes and the opportunity to learn from others. Moses says that the personal and professional experience of Professor Macleans A. Geo-JaJa in Nigeria, the other students’ experiences in the United States, and his own experience in Ghana created invigorating class discussions.
“My degree from BYU is a stepping-stone to greater heights,” Moses says. “I will use the knowledge I am amassing to help improve education globally and help my society become better.”
Written by Rebecca Youngs and Savannah Nichols