
Cutrer-Párraga, E. A., Gibbons, A., Miller, E.E., Ditto, S., Hull, I.M., Urbina, K., & Garrett, M.G. (2023, September 18). Culturally adapted behavior strategies: zones of regulation for students in American Samoa. Invited Mini Skills workshop presented at the PACP, Pago Pago, American Samoa.

Cutrer-Párraga, E. A., Gibbons, A., Miller, E.E., Ditto, S., Hull, I.M., Urbina, K., & Garrett, M.G. (2023, September 25). Culturally adapted behavior strategies: behavior triggers for students in American Samoa. Invited Mini Skills workshop presented at the PACP, Pago Pago, American Samoa.

Gabrielsegn, T.P., Begay, K., & Cutrer-Párraga, E. A. (2023, October 5). Females with autism and effective practices for schools. Invited Keynote and Mini Skills full day workshop presented at the South Dakota Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, Sioux Falls, SD.


Cutrer-Párraga, E. A., Miller, E.E., Allen, G.E.K., Garrett, M.F., Conklin, H., Franklin , C. N., Norton, A., Hee, C., & Coffey, B.K. (accepted for publication 2023). Perceptions and barriers about mental health services among Pacific Islanders: An interpretative phonological analysis. Journal of Counseling Psychology.

Cutrer-Párraga, E. A., Gjini, E., Taylor, T., Miller, E., Robertson, J., Johnson, M., & Heath, M. A. (accepted for publication, 2023). Portrayal of children with disabilities in picture books on grief. DADD Journal.

Caldarella, P., Richards, E. J., Williams, L. & Warburton, E. J. (2023). Improving behavior in an alternative high school summer program using class-wide function-related intervention teams: A pilot study. Education and Treatment of Children. Advance online publication.

Gunersel, A. B., Mason, B. A., Wills, H. P., Caldarella, P., & Williams, L.(2023). Effective classroom management in middle level schools: A qualitative study of teacher perceptions. Research in Middle Level Education Online, 46(8), 1-13.

Nixon, R. S., & Smith, L. K. (2023). Elementary teachers' self-regulated learning of science subject matter through teaching experience. School Science and Mathematics.

Nixon, R. S. (2023). Clarissa says God doesn't exist. In S. Jeong, L. Bryan, D. Tippins, & C. Sexton (Eds.), Navigating elementary science teaching and learning: Cases of classroom practices and dilemmas (pp. 65-69). Springer Nature.

Ondricek, B., & Nixon, R. S. (2023). A question I couldn’t answer. In S. Jeong, L. A. Bryan, D. J. Tippins, & C. M. Sexton (Eds.), Navigating elementary science teaching and learning: Cases of classroom practices and dilemmas (pp. 159-164). Springer Nature.