Where are you from?
I was born in Tucson, Arizona, and lived in Allentown, Pennsylvania, for a couple years, too, but I mostly grew up in Snowflake, Arizona.
What and where have you studied?
I studied English language in the Linguistics Department at BYU for my undergrad. I got my master's in speech-language pathology from the Communication Disorders Department here at the McKay School. I then did my PhD in speech-language pathology at the University of Utah.
Where have you previously worked?
I previously worked at Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama, for about six years.
What is your current job title? Please describe what you do in that position.
I am an associate professor in the Communication Disorders Department. I teach Clinical Phonetics to our undergraduate students, and Cognitive Communication Disorders to our graduate students. I also mentor master's theses and undergraduate student research projects.
Growing up, what teacher inspired you the most? How?
Mr. Rex Flake. He was my junior high pre-algebra teacher, and my high school physics teacher, and cross country coach. I have never known anyone who worked so hard to support his family. He was always very willing to try new things and learn new things. He made me feel important, and is always a pleasure to talk with, even when I see him now.
What's the most exciting thing you'll do in 2022?
Moved across the country—Eight people, a cat, a bird, a fish, a snail, an ant farm, a worm farm, and multiple houseplants, all in a minivan for 30+ hours of driving!
What would you rate 10/10?
Ghirardelli Triple Chocolate Chunk Brownies, the movie “Encanto,” and Mount Timpanogos are all 10/10.
Do you collect anything?
I collect pictures (that I take) of snails, mushrooms, and lichen, as well as any new plant or insect I haven't noticed before.
If your entire life was a movie, what would the title be?
I think it would be “Inside Out” by Pixar. It's my favorite movie!
What weird food combinations do you really enjoy?
I love to microwave peanut butter and Nutella together, then spoon it over sliced bananas. I also really like chocolate syrup AND strawberry syrup mixed in milk together.
Where is your favorite place to go on vacation?
My vacations usually involve visiting family members, but along the way, I like to go see Native American mounds, petroglyphs, and cliff dwellings.