
In March 2022 BYU staff and administrative employees campus wide were asked to complete an Employee Engagement survey. The McKay School has 38 staff members and administrative employees, 33 of which participated, giving the McKay School a participation rate of 87% (compared to the university’s participation rate of 79%).

The McKay School had an overall favorable engagement score of 86% compared to BYU’s 78%. We discovered that 100% of us are fully engaged with regards to understanding the vision and goals of the McKay School and the mission and aims of BYU. Additionally, 97% of faculty and administrative employees feel personally responsible for being part of the solution to challenges in the work area. They also feel they have supervisors who treat them with fairness and respect, and feel they have the freedom to choose how to best perform their jobs.

During McKay Day, these employees reviewed the results of the survey and chose two areas to focus on for improvement throughout the coming year. Those two areas are:

  1. Senior leaders of the division/college communicate effectively with all employees about what is going on (65% favorable).
  2. I am satisfied with the opportunities for my own professional growth in the division/college (70% favorable).

We received many great comments and suggestions to help us move forward with better college communication and ways to encourage professional growth among staff and administrative employees. Suggestions included training department secretaries on rank and status, highlighting staff members and administrative employees, providing general leadership training for managers, having more meaningful PDPs, training on BYU systems and software, and learning how to get information disseminated.

We will be rolling out several of these suggestions throughout the year, some immediately and some will take a bit more planning and time. We will report back to you on our efforts.

It is apparent that our staff and administrative employees are engaged at work and take seriously the mission, vision, values, and core message of the McKay School and BYU. As I said at McKay Day, take a moment to express appreciation to our staff and administrative employees. They are dedicated to the success of the McKay School, our faculty, and our students.