Andrew Lovell, assistant principal of Monte Vista Elementary in the Jordan School District, has what he called a “passion for pickleball.” After the school district approached Lovell to help start a Wellness Day pickleball tournament, he soon wanted to take the league district-wide.  

“It was a perfect fit with my belief in educator wellness, inspired by BYU’s EdLF program and Professor David Boren,” Lovell says. 

The sport’s inclusivity initially drew Lovell to start playing, he says. Seeing its popularity rising across the country, Jordan Superintendent Dr. Anthony Godfrey encouraged Lovell to start the league and teach staff across the district how to play. 

“The beauty of pickleball is its accessibility,” Lovell says. “It’s easy to learn and provides a level playing field for everyone, regardless of age, gender, or athletic skill.” 

Lovell has enjoyed the opportunity to meet more of his district’s teachers as well as share with them his love for pickleball. He relishes the collaboration, communication, and strategic thinking involved in the game and believes it fosters inclusivity within the teaching community. 

“It is a fantastic opportunity to forge friendships, strengthen relationships, and nurture wellbeing during some of the most stressful times of the year,” he says. 

In addition to creating stronger interpersonal relationships between teachers, Lovell has also seen an improved working environment at his school since the league began. He reports receiving positive responses from teachers across the district. 

“Employees appreciate working for a district that values their wellbeing,” he says. “Showing genuine care for your staff through initiatives like wellness days, social events, and extracurricular activities throughout the school year sends a powerful message.” 

Lovell appreciates the opportunity to work in education and provide meaningful experiences for both students and staff. He values being able to support his coworkers, paying back a bit of the support he feels he has been shown throughout his education journey.  

“Education gives me an opportunity to make a difference in students’ lives, just like my educators did for me,” he says. “Plus, it’s a career that nourishes me socially, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.”