Brandan Beerli

Where are you from?
My hometown is Bloomington, Illinois


What and where have you studied?
My bachelor’s degree is from Utah State University in Biological Sciences Teaching Composite. 
My master’s degree is from Eastern Illinois University in School Counseling
I have completed 3 semesters of graduate coursework in Instructional Psychology & Technology at BYU


Where have you previously worked?
Prior to coming to BYU, I was a high school biology teacher, with coaching in football, girls’ basketball, and track, at Herscher High School in Herscher, Illinois.
In college I worked as a youth counselor at Youthtrack in North Logan, Utah. I worked with teenage sex-offenders who were living in a court ordered, residential treatment facility.


What is your current job title? Please describe what you do in that position.
I am the supervisor of the Education Advisement Center for the McKay School. I lead a team of 14 employees (10 student, 3 academic advisors, and 1 office specialist) who assist education majors with academic advising, fingerprinting services, graduation clearance, and licensing recommendations (among many other services).


Why did you choose to work at BYU?
When moving back to Utah 14 years ago, I have job offers as a teacher, coach, school counselor, and academic advisor. The opportunity to work at BYU, to help students who wanted to become future educators, was a very intriguing career opportunity. The better question is why do I choose to stay at BYU? It is very satisfying to me to help students navigate their university experience and see them fulfill their educational & career goals. I feel that it is important work at the university and for society. To be able to do this work while including the teaching of the Savior and the mission of the church’s university makes this a dream job!


What is your favorite thing about the McKay School?
People who have been teachers, choose a path to prepare future educators, and who aspire to be educators are the best people in the world. I am so blessed to spend so much time in the presence of such amazing, intelligent, and caring individuals. There is nothing about my workday that I would consider a grind or taxing. I love everyone I get to work with & serve each day.


What accomplishment are you most proud of?
In 2021 I was considerably overweight, a year away from turning 50, and was told by my doctor that I pre-diabetic. I decided that I wanted to be healthy, active, and physically able to enjoy the 2nd half of my life (assuming I live to 100). I change my eating and exercise habits and over the span of 6 months I lost 65 pounds. I am in the best shape of my life and feel like I am 20 years younger.


Best Halloween costume you have had?
My favorite Halloween costume as a younger kid was a homemade Luke Skywalker outfit that my mom sewed for me. As a bigger kid, (with my mom’s help) I have been working on an authentic Jedi outfit that is my new favorite Halloween costume.


What are you most likely to become famous for?
I love playing live music with my band. I’ve had the opportunity to share the stage with some famous artists. I would love to hear one of my musical creations being played on the radio and have the opportunity to play it live in front of thousands of people. 


Where is your favorite place to go on vacation?
I thoroughly enjoy amusement parks. My favorite are the Disney resorts, with Disneyland being my favorite. However, my favorite individual park is EPCOT at Walt Disney World. I also love a good roller coaster, so any Six Flags Park & Cedar Point are also favorites. I try to get to 2-3 amusement parks a year. 


What movie quotes do you use on a regular basis?
I quote a lot of movies. Some people communicate by memes, I am constantly reminded of movie quotes in various situations. My favorite movies to quote are Lord of the Rings, Star Wars (mostly Yoda quotes), classic 80’s movies, most of Adam Sandler’s movies, and Guardians of the Galaxy. They line I most commonly quote is “What’s taters, precious?” from Lord of the Rings. It seems to fit easily in a variety of conversations.