Jessie Scoville & kids


1. Where are you from?
Littleton, Colorado


2. What and where have you studied?
BA – English/Microbiology, BYU
MA – English, BYU
MFA – Creative Writing, BYU


3. Where have you previously worked?
Pearson, Legacy Foundation, Blake Learning Systems, Imagine Learning, Moxie Tonic Marketing, The Salvation Army


4. What is your current job title? Please describe what you do in that position. 
Graduate Programs Administrator: I work to recruit students into the IP&T program, get them through the program with a diploma, and a lot of other things.


5. Growing up, what teacher inspired you the most? How?
My sixth grade math teacher, Mr. Smith. He noticed my aptitude on computers (yes, we’re talking about computers in the 90s) and taught me to code after school. He impacted my life profoundly by noticing and nurturing potential in me that I wasn’t able to see.


6. What accomplishment are you most proud of?
I had a poem published in Dog Fancy when I was nine. My publishing career peaked early.


7. What do you regret not starting or doing when you were younger?
Getting my PhD.


8. What was the first career you dreamed of having as a kid?
Being a writer.


9. Best Halloween costume you have had?
I dressed up like Mrs. Frizzle and no one noticed. Best compliment ever.


10. What would you rate 10/10?
The chocolate tuxedo cake from Costco


11. What weird food combinations do you really enjoy?
Take one slice of scratch-made sourdough bread from Day’s Market, spread with unsalted butter and sprinkle 70% cacao chocolate chips and flaky sea salt on top: fold in half, eat with your eyes closed.


12. Where could we find you on most Saturday mornings?
Driving teenagers places.


13. Where is your favorite place to go on vacation?
Grand Staircase National Monument in Escalante, Utah. Or Scotland. Tough call.


14. Would you rather spend a night out on the town or stay home inside with a book?
It really depends on the town and the book.


15. Who would you like to swap places with for a day?
Éowyn in Lord of the Rings – I’d really like to kill a Nazgul.