These are exciting times for the communication disorders department here at Brigham Young University! Over the past five years, our faculty has changed so much: this fall, we welcome Kirsten Russell to our ranks, and we are currently hiring for two full-time teaching positions.

This growth follows a significant increase in the number of students we serve. There is strong demand for admission to our undergraduate program, with 60 students just admitted and more to come at the end of the year. To accommodate the new professors joining our faculty, our home in the John Taylor Building is being remodeled, and we dream of more expansive facilities as our program and the university continue to grow!

But that’s not the end of the good news: we were elated this past March to receive word that our graduate program has earned a renewed eight-year accreditation, with no conditions or suggestions for follow-up. In addition, our faculty continue to produce impactful research and mentor students to achievements in research, scholarship, and professional preparation.

We are thankful for the support we receive from our college, the McKay School of Education, from the university, and from you! That’s why we have created this twice-yearly newsletter: to communicate the latest happenings and to help us stay connected with our alumni and with the friends and partners who help us do all that we do. We hope you enjoy this new way to keep in touch.

Christopher Dromey, Chair
Department of Communication Disorders

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