A Prize from a Prince

A Prize from a Prince
Target text


Read, write, and identify words beginning with the /pr/ blend.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • prince
  • pro
  • prize
  • prove


  • Prince/Princess costume/graphic for teacher
  • Picture/word cards of example activities 
  • Small prizes – can be candy, stickers, etc. (pretzels recommended)
  • Prize from Prince Target Text 
    • Princess Version also available below
  • Prize from a Prince Worksheet 
    • Princess Version also available below

State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that you have prizes for each of them if they can prove they're a pro as they practice the /pr/ blend at the beginning of words.

Literacy Activities
Receive a prize from a prince/princess

  • Explain to the children that today you are the prince/princess.
  • Give each child a chance to prove they’re a “pro” at something. It can be singing a song, doing a dance, jumping, etc.
  • If needed, use the picture/word cards to show the children example pictures of things they could be a “pro” at.
  • Once children prove they are a “pro,” give them a prize as the prince/princess.

More Practice
Read target words

  • Read the Prize from Prince (or princess) text together as a class.
  • Have the children take turns reading and underlining the /pr/ blends in the text.

Write target words

  • Give each child a copy of the Prize from Prince (or princess) worksheet and instruct the children to fill it out. Provide assistance as needed.
  • Answer key for the worksheet: thing the child is good at (e.g., jumping or singing); pro; prince; pro; prize; prize; actual prize (e.g., candy or pencil).
  • Instruct the children to circle each /pr/ blend written on their worksheet.
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SEEL Target Texts

Prize from Prince

There was a prince.
The prince had prizes.
The prince liked pros.
The prince wanted to give prizes to pros.
I proved to be a pro.
I proved to be a pro for a prize.
I got a prize from the prince.

Prize from a Princess

There was a princess.
The princess had prizes.
The princess liked pros.
The princess wanted to give prizes to pros.
I proved to be a pro.
I proved to be a pro for a prize.
I got a prize from the princess.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
