a smile or a smirk?
A Smile or a Smirk?
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- smear
- smidge
- smile
- smirk
- smock
- Chalk
- Colored paper
- Lips graphic
- A Smile or a Smirk story
- Direction cards graphic
- Smocks (optional)
State and Model the Objective
The children will make smiles and smirks as they read and write words that begin with /sm/, such as smock, smile, smirk, and smug.
Literacy Activities
Make a smile and smirk
- Call attention to the /sm/ blend in smock, smile, smirk, and smug
- Talk about facial expressions that begin with /sm/: smile, smirk, smack, and look smug.
- Pretend to put on an artist’s smock and draw a smile with chalk.
- Make the smile smooth by rubbing the chalk with your finger.
- Smear a smidgen of chalk on the paper to change the expression from a smile into a smirk (small downward turn on one side).
- Instruct the children to put on a pretend smock and smear, smudge, and smooth out a smile.
- Show the children a smug expression and have them draw classmates’ smug faces.
Make paper lips smile, smirk, smack, look smug
- Use the lips graphic and make a slit so the lips can be twisted or pulled to smile, smirk, smack, or be smug.
- Hold up a direction card, have the children read the word and then make their lips do what the sign says.
- Let the children draw a smile, smirk, or smug expression with chalk (optional).
More Practice
Read target words in a text
- Read A Smile or a Smirk text to the children.
- Engage the children in reading the text with you.
- Read the text again with the children, fading support.
- Have the children list and read words that start with the /sm/ blend (e.g., smart, smock, smudge, smack, smile, smell, smidge, small, smudge, smug, smear).
Write about the activity
- Have the children write 1–2 sentences using words from the list they made above (e.g., Smooth the smile).
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SEEL Target Texts
The Perfect Smile
He was an artist, a smart artist.
He was a smart artist who wanted to paint a smile.
He put on his smock and opened his smelly paints.
He was ready to paint the perfect smile.
He added a smidge of paint.
But the smile was too small.
He smudged the paint.
Now the smile had a smear!
He smoothed out the smear and added a smidge of paint.
He smudged the paint and smoothed out the line.
He smeared on more paint.
Ah! He looked at his work and felt smug.
The perfect smile!
He was a smart artist who wanted to paint a smile.
He put on his smock and opened his smelly paints.
He was ready to paint the perfect smile.
He added a smidge of paint.
But the smile was too small.
He smudged the paint.
Now the smile had a smear!
He smoothed out the smear and added a smidge of paint.
He smudged the paint and smoothed out the line.
He smeared on more paint.
Ah! He looked at his work and felt smug.
The perfect smile!
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
A Smile or a Smirk?