time to slice a lime

Time to Slice a Lime

Time to Slice a Lime
Target text


Read and write words spelled with the long-i-silent-e vowel pattern.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • lime
  • dime
  • line
  • time
  • nice
  • fine
  • slice


  • A dinging noise to be a chime
  • Pictures of dimes*
  • A real, pretend, or picture of a lime*
  • Word-building cards* 
  • A Dime for a Slice of Lime target text* 
  • Do You Want a Slice of Lime? target text*
  • It's Time to Dine on a Slice of Lime target text*
  • Paper towel with grime (optional)
  • A small amount of sugar (optional)
  • Mix of cornstarch, cooking oil, and food coloring to make slime (optional)

*Items included below.

State and Model the Objective
The children will read long-i-silent-e words such as time, lime, fine, line, slice, nice, and price, as they pretend to sell a slice of lime for a dime. 
Literacy Activities
Stand in line

  • Let the children stand in line and read some -ine words, such as fine, line, dine, vine, and mine.
  • Let the children pretend to slice a real, pretend, or picture of a lime (found below) and pay a price—a dime (found below) for a slice of lime.

Wipe grime and slime from a lime

  • Show a paper towel with grime (optional) and explain that "grime" means "dirt."
  • Wipe the lime to see if there is grime or slime on the lime.
  • Slice a lime and comment on how the lime feels like slime.
  • Ask the children, “Do you have a dime to buy a slice of lime? What price will you pay for a slice of lime? Will you pay a dime for a slice of lime?”
  • Tell the children to chime in with the chant: “I’ll give a dime for a slice of lime.”
  • Have the children stand in line to buy a slice of lime with their dime.

More Practice

  • With word-building cards (found below), have the children make new words by changing either the beginning or ending consonants:
    • Change the beginning consonant(s): slimegrimetimelimefineminepricetwice
    • Change the ending consonant: linelimedinedimevinevicedicedimenicenine

Read target words

  • Read the texts A Dime for a Slice of Lime, Do you Want a Slice of Lime? and It's Time to Dine on a Slice of Lime (all found below) together as a class or group.
  • Read the texts again, fading support.
  • Have the children underline the words with a long-i silent-e.

Write about the activity 

  • Display the following words: time, dime, slime, grime, lime, fine, line, vine, mine, ice, price, twice, slice, nice, chime, wipe, and ice.
  • Have the children write about why they want to stand in line, pay a dime, or slice and dine on a lime.
    • "A dime is a nice price for . . ."
    • "It's time to dine on . . ." 
    • "I would stand in line and pay a dime to . . ."
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SEEL Target Texts

A Dime for a Slice of Lime

Get ready to have a slice of lime!
Wipe the lime.
Wipe any grime or slime off the lime.
Slice the lime.
Set the price for a slice of lime.
Should it be a dime?
A dime is a nice price for a fine slice of lime.
Line up for a slice of lime!
Get a slice of lime for a dime!

Do You Want a Slice of Lime?

Do you want a slice of lime?
It's time to get a slice of lime!
Stand in line to get a slice.
Pay a dime for the slice of lime.
It's lime time—lick the slice of lime!

It's Time to Dine on a Slice of Lime

Do you have a dime for a lime?
A dime is a nice price for a slice of lime.
Give a dime for a slice of lime.
Lick the slice of lime that you got with a dime. 
Lick it twice!
It's nice to dine on a slice of lime.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
