take a car to a snack bar

Take a Car to a Snack Bar

Take a Car to a Snack Bar
Target text


Read and write words with the r-controlled vowel spelling -ar.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • car
  • bar 
  • far
  • jar
  • star
  • tart
  • start


  • Star graphic
  • Word cards
  • Word-building cards
  • Go to a Snack Bar in Your Car target text
  • Follow a Star target text
  • Chairs (optional)

State and Model the Objective
The children will pretend to drive cars to a snack bar and then read and write words with the r-controlled vowel spelling -ar, such as car, star, bar, and far.

Literacy Activities
Follow stars in a car

  • Set out the word cards in a trail that leads to the Star Snack Bar while pointing out the -ar spelling in the words.
  • Tell the children to start their cars (chairs) and follow the stars to the faraway Star Snack Bar.
  • Have the children read the -ar words on the cards along the pretend car trip.
  • At the snack bar, pretend to see cookie jars, candy bars, granola bars, sweet tarts, and candy jars. Let the children pretend to buy one of the treats, and then tell everyone which item they chose.

More Practice
Identify, blend, and manipulate sounds

  • Have the children use the word-building cards to make new words by changing the beginning or ending consonants:
    • Change the beginning consonant(s): car→ far, scar→ star, bar→ jar, tar→ char.
    • Change the ending consonant: chart→ charm, dark→ dart, hard→ harm.

Read target words in texts

  • Read the Go to a Snack Bar in Your Car target text to the children.
  • Engage the children in reading the target text with you.
  • Read the text with the children again, fading support.
  • Have the children underline -ar combinations in the text.
  • Repeat with the Follow a Star target text.

Write about the activity using target words/patterns

  • Let the children write words as you say them: car, star, jar, far, bar, tar, start, tart
  • Ask the children to write about going far in a car to a snack bar and finding cookie jars, candy bars, granola bars, sweet tarts, and candy jars.
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SEEL Target Texts

Follow a Star

Let's get in the car.
We'll take the car to a snack bar.
We'll follow a star.
We go far in our car to get to the snack bar.
When we get to the snack bar, we will find a cookie jar.
When we get to the snack bar we will find a candy bar.
When we get to the snack bar we will find a granola bar.
Then we’ll follow a star back to the car.

Go to a Snack Bar in Your Car

Get in your car.  
Start the car.
Take the car to the Star Snack Bar.
The snack bar is not far away.
You won’t go far in your car to get to the snack bar.
When you get to the snack bar, you will find . . .
cookie jars,
candy bars,
granola bars,
sweet tarts, and
candy jars.
Then you will drive away in your car.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
