one more chore

One More Chore

One More Chore
Target text


Read and write words with the r-controlled long o spellings -oor and -ore (e.g., floor, store).

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • chore
  • bore
  • more
  • floor
  • door
  • shore
  • store



  • Box or bucket
  • Dust cloth or paper towels
  • Broom
  • Mop
  • A list of things to get at the store
  • Word cards 
  • Sentence strips 
  • I Want to Do a Chore! reader’s theater 
  • A List of Chores target text 
  • Are Chores a Bore? target texts 
  • Book: Chores, Chores, Chores! by Salina Yoon (optional)

State and Model the Objective
The children will read and write words spelled with -oor and -ore, such as door, floor, chore, more, explore, and store.

Literacy Activities
Clean up words and sentences from the floor

  • Read the book, Chores, Chores, Chores! by Salina Yoon to the children (optional).
  • Read the word cards together with the children.
  • Explain that words with -oor and -ore spellings are pronounced the same even though they are spelled differently.
  • Lay the word cards on the floor, and tell the children that today’s chore is to clean the floor.
  • Have the children pick up the word cards one at a time and read the word on each card.
  • Tape the sentence strips to a door.
  • Invite the children to take turns dusting the door with a dust cloth or a paper towel until a sentence strip falls off.
  • Have each child pick up and read aloud the strip they dusted off the door.

Comment on items needed to do chores

  • Show the children the dust cloth, the broom or mop, and the list of things to get at the store in the box or bucket and discuss them as follows:
    • A cloth to wipe a door: wipe a door—that’s a chore, to wipe the door.
    • A broom (or mop) to clean the floor: clean the floor—that’s a chore, to clean the floor.
    • A list of things to get at the store: go to the store—that’s a chore, to go to the store.

Act out a reader's theater

  • Act out the reader's theater I Want to Do a Chore with the children as they pretend to do each chore.

More Practice
Read target words in texts

  • Engage the children in reading the target text A List of Chores
  • List words from the text that are spelled with -ore and -oor.
  • Read the text again, fading support.
  • Repeat with the target text Are Chores a Bore? 

Write about the activity using target words and patterns

  • Let the children write words from dictation: chore, more, bore, floor, and door
  • Have the children write a sentence that uses two of the following words: chore, more, door, floor, or store.
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SEEL Target Texts

Are Chores a Bore?

We have some chores. 
Let's dust the door.
Let's sweep the floor.
Let's shop at the store.
Did we do all the chores?
Are there more chores?
There are no more chores!
Was it a bore to do the chores?
When lots of us help, the chores are not a bore!

A List of Chores

We have a list of chores.
    1.  Dust the door.
    2. Sweep the floor.
    3. Add one or two more chores
    4. Shop at the store.
Is there more?
No, there are no more chores!
What a bore!
I love to do chores!

I Want to Do a Chore!

Child:  I want to do a chore.
Adult:  You can dust the door.
Child:  Is there more?
Adult:  Yes, sweep the floor.
Child:  Is there more?
Adult:  Yes, shop at the store.
Child:  Is there more?
Adult:  No, there are no more chores!
Child:  No more chores!  What a bore!
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.