see a sight and take flight

See a Sight and Take Flight

See a Sight and Take Flight
Target text


Read and write words with the long i spelling pattern -igh.


See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • light
  • sight
  • night
  • tight
  • flight
  • fright
  • bright


  • Flashlight
  • Pictures of a monster and coat rack*
  • Word-building cards*
  • See a Frightful Sight target text*
  • Take a Flight target text*
    *Items included below.

State and Model the Objective
The children will see a sight, take flight, and read and write words with the long i spelling -igh, such as sight, light, bright, night, high, sigh, and fright.
Literacy Activity
See a frightful sight

  • Turn off the lights and pretend it is night.
  • Show the children the picture of a monster (see below) and pretend to see a frightful sight.
  • Have the children close their eyes tightly, so they don’t see the frightful sight.

Turn on a bright light

  • Replace the picture of a monster with the picture of a coat rack (see below).
  • Comment that the frightful sight is not scary in the bright light.
  • Have the children give a sigh of relief that the bright light chased away the frightful sight.
  • List words with the long i spelling -igh (e.g., light, night, sight, bright, frightful, sigh).

Take a flight

  • Read the target text Take a Flight (see below) with the children.
  • Let the children act out a story:
    • Close eyes tight and pretend it is night.
    • Turn on a bright flashlight and open eyes to see the light.
    • Shine the bright light left and right.
    • Shine the light high and low. 
    • Let the light take flight around the room.
    • See the sights as a bright light takes its flight.
    • Turn off the flashlight.
    • Close eyes tight and pretend to sleep through the night.

More Practice
Phonological awareness

  • With word-building cards (see below), have the children make new words by changing the vowel or either of the consonants:
    • Change the initial consonant: light→ flight, right→ night, fright→ bright
    • Change the ending consonants: sigh→ sight, nigh→ night

Read target words in texts

  • Engage the children in reading the target text See a Frightful Sight (see below) as a class or group.
  • Have the children help make a word wall with -igh words.
  • Read the text again, fading support.
  • Repeat with Take a Flight (see below).

Write about the activity using target words and patterns

  • Display -igh words on a word wall.
  • Let the children write about a frightful sight or flight with a light using some of these words: sight, flight, fright, light, bright, night, and tight.
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SEEL Target Texts

Make a Light Take Flight

Here is how you can make light take flight:
  • Get a flashlight and turn on the light.
  • Shine the bright light high, low, left, and right.
  • Let the light move quickly to take flight.
  • Look at many sights with the light. 
Now, turn off the bright light.
Close your eyes tight.
Sleep through the night.
Dream of the sights you saw on the light’s flight.

Take a Flight

We can use a flashlight to make light take flight.
We shine the bright light high, low, left, and right.
We make the light move and take flight.
We see many sights with the light.
We turn off the bright light.
We close our eyes tight and sleep through the night.
We dream of the sights we saw on our flight.

See a Frightful sight

Pretend that it is night.
It’s night! There is no light.
Turn on a night light.
Look at that sight!
What a frightful sight.
Close your eyes tight.
Now open your eyes and turn on a bright light. 
The light is now bright.
Look! You see a sight in the light.
But the bright light shows that it’s NOT a frightful sight.
We feel relief and give a sigh.
We did not get a fright!
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.