Do Not Wake a Snake

Do Not Wake a Snake
Target text


Read and write long-a-silent-e words with the -ake pattern.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • rake
  • fake
  • make
  • snake
  • cake
  • lake
  • take


  • Rake graphic
  • Snake graphic or paper to make a snake
  • Lake graphic or blue paper to make a lake
  • Cake graphic 
  • Cake to eat (optional)
  • Let’s Make a Fake Rake target text 
  • Do Not Wake a Snake target text 
  • Word blending cards

State and Model the Objective
The children will make a fake rake and read and write words that end with -ake, such as rake, fake, make, cake, snake, and lake.
Literacy Activities
Make fake rakes, snakes, lakes, and cakes

  • Have the children cut out a rake graphic, and attach a paper handle to make a fake rake.
  • Cut out a paper snake, or make fake snakes with rolled up paper.
  • Make a lake out of blue paper, or color a picture of a lake.
  • Cut out a paper cake.
  • Comment on how the rake, snake, lake, and cake are fake (they aren’t real).

Wake up a snake napping by a lake

  • Pretend that snakes are napping under leaves by a lake.
  • Have the children rake up leaves and wake up the snakes.
  • When the snakes wake up, let the children take the rakes and snakes that are awake away from the lake.

After the raking by the lake, enjoy a bite of cake 

  • Let the children sit by the paper lake.
  • Give the children a bite of real or paper cake.
  • Pretend to rake up the leftover cake.
  • Shake or rake bits of cake into the lake.

More Practice
Identify, blend, and manipulate sounds

  • With word blending cards, have the children make new words by changing the vowel or either of the consonants:
    • rake → make; snake → brake; fake → take
    • make → made; take → tape; lake → like

Read target words in texts

  • Read the Let’s Make a Fake Rake target text with the children.
  • Read the text again, but with faded support.
  • Put a line through the silent e in -ake words to indicate that it is silent.
  • Repeat with the Do Not Wake a Snake target text.

Write about the activity using target words and patterns

  • Have the children write words from dictation: fake, bake, make, snake, rake, cake, and bake.
  • Have the children write cake or snake from dictation and change one letter to make a new word: take, fake, bake, bike, mike, make, bake, brake, broke, spoke.
  • Have the children write sentences from a sentence starter:
    • “I can make a fake . . .” (rake, snake, lake, cake).
    • “I like to pretend to . . .” (rake up cake, wake up snakes, sit by a lake).
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SEEL Target Texts

Do Not Wake a Snake Napping by a Lake

Look! A snake is taking a nap by the lake.
The snake is not awake.
Should we wake the snake?
Should we shake the snake?
Should we yell, “Wake up, snake?”
We don’t want to wake the snake.
We will let the snake nap by the lake.
So let’s tip toe away from the lake and not wake the snake!

Let's Make a Fake Rake

Let’s make a fake rake, lake, snake and cake.
Make a rake out of paper.
Make a lake out of paper.
Make a snake out of paper.
Make a cake out of paper.
Take the fake rake and rake up things.
Rake up the fake snakes.
Rake up fake bits of cake.
Rake and rake with a fake rake.
Read More



SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.