Save at the Sale

Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- sale
- save
- take
- plane
- whale
- Picture cards*
- Word-building cards*
- Kate at the Sale target text*
A Whale Named Jake target text*
*Items included below.
State the Objective
Tell the children that they will save money at a sale while they practice words with the long-a-silent-e vowel pattern.
Literacy Activities
Save at the sale
- Read the target Kate at the Sale target text (see below) with the children.
- Tell the children that they will go to a sale like Kate and look for long-a-silent-e items.
- Lay the picture cards on a table and have the children look for items they want to buy.
- Have a child pretend to be a cashier and check that items have a long a.
- If an item has a long a, have the customer say, “___ has a long a and is on sale! I’ll take it!”
- If the item does not have the long a, have the customer say “__ does not have a long a. It’s not on sale.”
Have the children write a sentence about a sale item that they want to take home.
A whale named Jake
- Read the A Whale Named Jake target text (see below) with the children.
- Have the children help you read the text.
- Have the children underline the long-a-silent-e words in the text.
Count the letters and sounds
- Show a list of long-a-silent-e words (e.g., sale, save, make, game, take) and ask:
- “How many letters are in the word?”
- “How many sounds are in the word?”
- Support as necessary.
Change a sound
- Use word-building cards (see below) to emphasize how the silent e makes the long a vowel sound.
- plane→ crane, cake → take, game → name, save → wave, plane → lane
- sale → save, gate → game, take → tape, race → rake, plate → plane
- Have the children write long a words from dictation (e.g., sale, save, make, game, take).
SEEL Target Texts
A Whale Named Jake
Kate is at a sale.
She sees a whale.
His name is Jake.
She wants to take Jake home.
Will Jake fit past the gate?
Will Jake fit in her home?
Will Jake fit in the lane?
Where can Jake fit?
Kate at a Sale
Kate and Jane went to a sale.
“We can save big at the sale!”
“I will get a crane, a plane, and some crates!” said Kate.
“I will get tape, a game, and a cake plate at the sale,” said Jane.
Kate said, “And I can get a race car at the sale and take it down the lane.”
“Kate, all your sale items will not fit past the gate,” said Jane.
“You cannot fit the crate, plane, crane, and race car in your home!”
SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
Save at the Sale