Dried or Fried Food

Dried or Fried Food
Target text


Read and write long-i words with the ie vowel combination.

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • pies
  • tied
  • dried
  • fried
  • fries
  • spied
  • tried


  • Raisins or picture of raisins*
  • Potato chips or picture of potato chips*
  • Word-building cards*
  • Dried or Fried Food target text*

*Items included below.

State the Objective

Tell the children that they will pretend to try fried and dried foods and that they will read and write long-i words with the ie vowel combination, such as pies, tied, dried, fried, fries, spied, and tried.

Literacy Activities

Introduce target words

  • Show the children the target words.
  • Read the words with the children.

Try fried and dried food

  • Show the children fried foods (e.g., potato chips) or a picture of fried foods (see below) and dried foods (e.g., raisins) or a picture of dried foods (see below).
  • Have each child put fried and/or dried foods or pictures of fried or dried foods on a plate.
  • Say, “Let’s try fried and dried food!” and let the children eat, or pretend to eat, their treats.

Identify, blend, and manipulate sounds

  • Tell the children that the long i sound in Y (e.g., fry, dry, try, spy) changes to ie when we add an S (e.g., fries, dries, tries, spies) or ed (e.g., fried, dried, tried, spied).
  • Explain that words written with ie in present tense (e.g., die, lie) change to past tense when we add a D (e.g., died, lied).
  • With word-building cards (see below), have the children make new words by changing the beginning constant(s) or ending consonant(s).
    • Change the ending consonants(s): fry→ fries→ fried, spy→ spies→ spied, try→ tries→ tried

Read Dried or Fried Food

  • Read the Dried or Fried Food target text (see below) with the children.
  • Have the children read long-i words with the ie vowel combination (e.g., pies, tied, dried, fried, fries, spied, tried).
  • Have the children write long-i words with ie from dictation.
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SEEL Target Texts

Dried or Fried Food?

I spied two kinds of food.
I spied dried fruits.
I spied fried potatoes.
I tried the dried and fried foods.
I liked the dried grape—a raisin.
I liked the fried potatoes—potato chips.
The dried food was good.
The fried food was good.
Did you like the dried or fried food the best?
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