Mice on Ice
Target text


Read and write words with the long-i-silent-e vowel pattern.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • ice
  • mice
  • nice
  • twice


  • Pictures of mice*
  • Blue paper, a tray with salt, or cellophane
  • Word-building cards*
  • Mice on Ice target text*
    *Items included below.

State and Model the Objective
The children will pretend to watch mice skate on ice and will read and write words with the long-i-silent-e vowel pattern, such as ice, mice, nice, and twice.
Literacy Activity
Skate on ice

  • Using the blue paper, a tray with salt, or cellophane, set up a pretend ice rink and label it Nice ice.
  • Point out the long-i-silent-e vowel pattern and explain that the letter c followed by an e makes the /s/ sound.
  • Read the target text Mice on Ice (found below) to the children.
  • Allow the children to use the ice rink and pictures of mice (found below) so the mice can slide and glide on the ice.
  • Ask the children to pretend to have the mice slip and fall twice.
  • Help the children make a list of words that end with -ice (e.g., ice, nice, mice, twice).

More Practice 
Identify, blend, and manipulate sounds

  • With word-building cards (found below), help the children make new words by changing the vowel or either of the consonants:
    • Change the beginning consonant(s): nice→ mice, rice→ dice, twice→ price
    • Change the vowel: rice→ race, lice→ lace, ice→ ace
    • Change the ending consonant(s): mice→ mine, rice→ ride, lice→ lime, pride→ price

Read target words in texts

  • Have the children underline the words with the long-i-silent-e spelling pattern in the target text Mice on Ice (found below).
  • Read the text to the children and then engage them in reading the text with you.
  • Allow the children to read Mice on Ice again, fading support.

Write about the activity 

  • Introduce a word wall displaying target words (e.g., mice, ice, nice, twice).
  • Have the children refer to the word wall as they write about mice on ice.
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SEEL Target Texts

Mice on Ice

I see ice!
It is nice to skate on ice.  
The ice is very nice today.
I can skate on the ice!
I like to skate on ice. 
I see mice on the ice.
The mice must like to skate on ice.
The mice like to slide and glide on the ice.
Those silly mice love the ice!
I like to see mice sliding and gliding on ice.
Read More



SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
