Load a Boat with Goats

Load a Boat with Goats
Target text


Read and write words with the oa vowel combination.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • goat
  • boat
  • coat
  • soak
  • float
  • cloak
  • boast


  • Toy goat or pictures of a goat*
  • Toy boat, a bowl that will float, or a handmade paper boat*
  • Oats or pictures of oats*  
  • Small pan of water 
  • Word cards with oa words*
  • Coat and cloak patterns* (optional) 
  • Goats Float in a Boat target text*
  • Don’t Eat the Boat, Goat! target text*
  • Goats Load a Boat with Oats target text*

*Items included below.


The children will load goats and oats in a boat and will read and write words with the oa vowel combination, such as soak, float, cloak, and boast.

Literacy Activities
Load a boat with goats and oats

  • Put a toy boat, bowl, or handmade paper boat in a small amount of water.
  • Ask the children if the boat floats.
  • Let the children load the boat with oats (a few flakes each or the pictures found below) and the word cards containing oa (found below).

Load a boat with oa words

  • Let the children write “Goats like oats,” or “Goats and oats.”
  • Have the children write oa words from dictation (e.g., oat, goat, boat, soak, coat, soap, float, cloak, boast). 
  • Have the children read the oa words and then load the oa words into a boat.
  • See if the boat will float.

Make a coat and cloak for a goat

  • Let the children cut out a coat or cloak from the patterns (found below) or let the children draw a coat or cloak.
  • Have the children write coat or cloak on the paper coat or cloak or on the patterns.
  • Put the coat or cloak on the goat.

See if a boat floats

  • Read the Goats Load a Boat with Oats target text (found below) to the children as they put the toy goat or a picture of a goat (found below), boat, and coat or cloak in water to see if they float.
  • Comment on how the boats and coats will get soaked.
  • Moan and groan as the boat gets soaked or when it’s time to get off the boat.

More Practice 
Read target words in texts 

  • Have the children write a list of words from the activity with the oa vowel.
  • Engage the children in reading Goats Float in a Boat (found below) with you.

Read the text again, fading support

  • Read Don’t Eat the Boat, Goat! (found below) to the children.
  • Read it again, fading support.  
  • Have the children make a list of the words with the oa vowel combination from the text as you read it together again.

Write about the activity using target words and patterns

  • Display a word wall that contains the words goat, boat, oak, soap, boast, toast, loan, cloak, coat, coast, float, foam, gloat, groan, load, moan, oats, and soak.
  • Let the children write about the goats in the boat while using the word wall.
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SEEL Target Texts

Don’t Eat the Boat, Goat!

I had a goat who would eat anything.
I built a boat out of oak.
But the goat tried to eat my boat.
“Don’t eat the boat, goat!”
I can’t float if my goat eats my boat.
On a cold day, I put on my coat.
But the goat tried to eat my coat.
“Don’t eat the coat, goat!”
I’ll be cold if my goat eats my coat.
In the bathtub, I wanted some soap.
But the goat tried to eat my soap.
“Don’t eat the soap, goat!”
I can’t get clean if my goat eats my soap.
My goat started to moan and groan.
He was hungry.
A goat can’t eat a boat or a coat or soap.
But a goat can eat toast.
A goat can eat oats.
I made my goat some toast and some oats.
“Here, goat! You can eat toast and oats!”

Goats Float in a Boat 

Three goats build a boat.
“This is the best boat!” they boast.
“We will float up the coast!” they gloat.
The goats put on their coats and board the boat.
They go for a float up the coast.
The goats and the boat get splashed with foam.
All day they float and roam.
At last, it gets dark.
The goats moan and groan.
It is time to get off the boat.
But tomorrow, the goats will board the boat again.
They will float and roam on the sea foam again.

Goats Load a Boat with Oats

Some goats load a boat with oats.
The goats put on their coats and board the boat with the oats.
They will eat the oats as they float down the coast.
But a storm blows foam into the boat.
The goats get soaked. Their cloaks get soaked.
And the oats get soaked.
The goats moan and groan.
“The oats are soaked!”
“We don’t want to eat soaked oats.”
But one goat says, “We could roast the soaked oats.
“We could toast the soaked oats.”
The goats dry out their coats.
They toast and roast soaked oats as they float down the coast.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
