moose and goose on the loose

Moose and Goose on the Loose

Moose and Goose on the Loose
Target text


Read and write words spelled with the long oo vowel pattern.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • goof
  • oops
  • moose
  • goose
  • loose
  • choose


  • Pictures of a moose and a goose*
  • Word-building cards with oo and consonant letters*
  • Moose and Goose on the Loose target text*
  • Let the Moose and Goose Stay Loose target text*
  • What Would You Do with A Moose and a Goose on the Loose? target text*

*Items included below.

State and Model the Objective
The children will see a moose and a goose on the loose and will read and write words spelled with long oo, such as moose, goose, loose, and choose.

Literacy Activities
Let the moose loose

  • Create two areas to be a pen for a moose and a pen for a goose and place the moose and goose pictures (found below) in the pens.
  • Let the children write the words moose and goose and place the words in the appropriate pens. 
  • Pretend that the moose gets loose and exclaim, “Oops! Did someone goof and let the moose loose?”
  • Have the children read the sentence, “The moose is on the loose!”

Let the goose loose

  • Accidentally let the goose loose and exclaim, “Oops! I goofed and let the goose loose!”
  • Have the children read the  sentence, “The goose is on the loose!”

Have the moose chase the goose

  • Have the moose chase the goose and then have the goose chase the moose.
  • Comment on how the moose and goose zoom around the room.
  • Let the children choose whether to let the moose or the goose stay loose.
  • Have the children vote by writing, “I choose to let the moose be loose.” or “I choose to let the goose be loose.” 
  • Have the children shoo the other animal back into the pen (i.e., “Shoo, moose! You can’t stay loose!” or “Shoo, goose! You can’t stay loose!”).

More Practice
Identify, blend, and manipulate sounds

  • With word-building cards (found below), have the children make new words by changing either the beginning or ending consonant(s):
    • Change the beginning consonant(s): moosegooseloose; zoomroom; shoozoo; oopsloops.
    • Change the ending consonant(s): goosegoopgoof poof; looseloomloop; moosemoonmood.
  • Have the children write words from dictation (e.g., moose, choose, goose, loose, loop, goop, goof, zoom, room, snooze, proof, poof, shoo, oops, zoo).

Read the target words and patterns introduced in the activity

  • Read the Moose and Goose on the Loose target text (found below) as a group.
  • Read the text again, fading support.
  • Have the children underline the words spelled with -oo.
  • Repeat by reading the Let the Moose and Goose Stay Loose and What Would You Do with A Moose and a Goose on the Loose? target texts (both found below).

Write about the activity   

  • Engage the children in an interactive writing about the moose and goose getting loose.
  • To guide the writing process, provide sentence completion or questions prompts such as the examples below:
    • A moose and a ____ (goose) got ____ (loose) in the ____ (room or zoo).
    • We saw the ____ (moose) chase the ____ (goose).
    • And we saw the ____ (goose) chase the ____ (moose).
    • The ____ (moose) was on the ____ (loose).
    • And the ____ (goose) was on the ____ (loose).
    • We had to ____ (choose) to let the ____ (moose) or the ____ (goose) stay ____ (loose).
    • We told the ____ (goose) to ____ (shoo).
    • We had to ____ (shoo) the ____ (moose) back in the pen.
    • We did not want a ____ (moose) and a ____ (goose) ____ (loose) in the ____ (room or zoo).
    • We do not want the ____ (moose) and the ____ (goose) to get ____ (loose) again!
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SEEL Target Texts

A Moose and a Goose on the Loose

Oh no! A moose is loose!
It’s not easy to have a moose on the loose.
There’s no room to have a moose on the loose.
A moose on the loose will just zoom around the room.
Did someone goof and let the goose loose?
It’s not easy having a goose on the loose.
There’s not enough room to have a goose on the loose.
A goose on the loose will just zoom around the room.
Oh no! The goose chases the moose.
And then the moose chases the goose.
There’s not enough room for a moose to chase a goose!
It’s not fun having a moose and a goose run loose.

Let a Moose and Goose Stay Loose

A moose and a goose got loose.
We wanted to get the moose back in its pen.
We wanted to get the goose back in its pen.
But it was no use.
We let the moose stay loose.
We let the goose stay loose.
We hope that the moose does not chase the goose. 

What Would You Do with a Moose and a Goose on the Loose?

A moose and a goose got loose.
What would you choose to do?
Could you make the moose go poof?
Could you make the goose go poof?
Would you let the moose stay loose?
Would you let the goose stay loose?
I’d let the moose and goose run loose.
And I’d take a snooze!
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.