No Way to Skate on Ice Today

No Way to Skate on Ice Today
Target text


Read and build words with the two long-vowel spellings silent e and -ay.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • ice
  • day
  • way
  • skate
  • today
  • slide
  • glide


  • Ice cube or picture of ice*
  • Bowl 
  • Ice-skater cutout*
  • Piece of white paper
  • Water 
  • Ice Skate Today? No Way! target text*
    *Items included below.

State and Model the Objective
The children will pretend to ice skate and read words with the two long-vowel spellings silent e and -ay, such as slide, glide, day, and way.

Literacy Activities
Describe ice

  • Show the children an ice cube or a picture of ice (found below) in a bowl.
  • Comment on how ice can slide and glide in a bowl but that it won’t stay—it will melt away in less than a day.

Pretend to ice skate

  • Display the Ice Skate Today? No Way! target text (found below) for the children to see.
  • Read the target text with the children.
  • Read the text again while making the ice-skater cutout (found below) . . . 
    • skate, glide, and slide on ice.
    • walk away and say, “There is no way to stay on the ice this day.” 
  • Have the children identify the words in the text that have the long-vowel patterns (-ay and silent e).
  • Put drops of water on the ice (real or pictured) and comment on how there is no way to stay and play on melting ice today. 

More Practice 
Write about the activity 

  • Have the children write words from dictation (e.g., ice, nice, skate, glide, slide, came, gray, stay, away, today, play, way, day).
  • Display the words on a word wall.
  • Reread Ice Skate Today? No Way! and have the children write the story in their own words including . . .  
    • Wanting to skate on a cold, gray day.
    • Having the ice melt away and not being able to stay and skate that day.
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SEEL Target Texts

Ice Skate Today? No Way!

Today is a gray, cold day!  
And the sun is tucked away.
So we can skate today. Hooray! Yay!   
I want to skate on ice today!   
I want to slide and glide on ice in my skates on this day.
Oh no! The sun is out.
The ice will melt away, and this day to skate will slip away.
I cannot stay on the ice this way.    
I cannot play on the ice this day.
It is not a day to skate when the ice melts away.
I will have to walk away.
There is NO WAY to skate today!
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.