B Bingo

Associate the uppercase letter B and lowercase letter b with the /b/ sound as in bingo, ball, and bag.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- bows
- bear
- Bingo
- buttons
- balloon
- Letter cards*
- Bingo cards*
- B Bingo picture cards*
- Buttons or beans (optional)
*Items included below.
State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will play Bingo as they practice saying the /b/ sound in words beginning with the letter B, such as big, buttons, and bows.
Literacy Activities
Find Bingo Bs
- Place letter cards around the classroom.
- Invite the children to search for the letter B and say, “/b/, /b/, /b/” when it is found.
- Tell the children to "bring back" each letter B to help them play Bingo, and place the distractor letters in a discard pile.
Get 4 Bs in a row
- Give each child a Bingo board.
- Use letter B cards as the token markers (or have the children make their own token markers by writing the letter B on small scraps of paper).
- Hold up a Bingo picture card and have the children place a token on the matching picture on their Bingo board.
- When a child places a letter B on a picture, have them say, “B says /b/.”
- Once children get four in a row, have them say, “B Bingo!”
More Practice
Make a B with buttons
- Write a large letter B with glue.
- Allow the children to stick buttons or beans on the glue while producing the /b/ sound.
Write the target letter
- Help the children write the uppercase letter B and the lowercase letter b on paper while producing the /b/ sound.
- Scatter the letters around the room and have the children bounce to each one while saying the /b/ sound.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.

B Bingo