Baby Black Bat

Associate the uppercase letter B (and lowercase letter b) with the /b/ sound as in bat, baby, and bug.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- black
- baby
- bat
- bite
- bug
- Black, brown, and blue crayons
- Cardboard
- Big brown bugs (bunched up brown paper)
- Black Bats Eat Bugs target text*
- Baby Black Bat graphic*
- Blue bags (optional)
- Plastic baggie (optional)
*Items included below.
State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will pretend to feed brown bugs to Baby Black Bat and say the /b/ sound when they see the letter B in words such as big, bag, and brown.
Literacy Activities
Collect brown bugs
- Attach cardboard to the Baby Black Bat graphic (see below) to make it stand up and then cut out the mouth.
- Attach a plastic baggie behind Baby Black Bat's mouth (optional) and place “big brown bugs” (bunched up brown paper) around the classroom.
- Write the uppercase letter B and the lowercase letter b on the whiteboard, then write the following sentence in big letters for the children to see:
- “Find a big brown bug for Baby Black Bat!”
- Point out every letter B and b in the sentence then teach it to the children as a chant, pointing to each word as it is said, and have the children clap on every word beginning with a letter B or b.
- Choose a small group of children to collect two or three big brown bugs in a blue bag (optional) while everyone else says the chant.
- Have the children say, “/b/, /b/, bite the brown bug!” as they feed the bugs to Baby Black Bat.
More Practice
Read target words
- Read the Black Bats Eat Bugs target text (see below) to the children.
- Have the children circle every letter B and b with a brown, black, or blue crayon.
- Read the text again and have the children say the /b/ sound each time you come to a letter B or b.
Write the target letter
- Help the children write the letters B and b on small pieces of paper.
- As they write, point out the shapes included in the letters B and b (i.e., lines and half-circles).
- Have the children pretend that the B and b papers are bugs to feed to the Baby Black Bat.
- Have the children produce the /b/ sound each time they feed the letter B to the bat.
SEEL Target Texts
Baby Bats Eat Bugs
What can we feed the baby black bat?
Feed big brown bugs to Baby Black Bat!
SEEL At Home
Associate the uppercase letter B and lowercase letter b with the /b/ sound, such as in bat, baby, and bug.
- Baby Black Bat graphic
- Black Bats Eat Bugs text
- Big brown bugs (bunched up brown paper)
Activity: Baby Black Bat
- Cut a hole in the mouth of Baby Black Bat (see below) and fold the paper so it stands up.
- Have your child collect the big brown bugs from around the room in a blue bag (optional) while chanting, "Big brown bugs for Baby Black Bat!"
- Take turns feeding Baby Black Bat the big brown bugs and saying, "/b/, /b/, bite the brown bug!"
- Read the Black Bats Eat Bugs target text (see below) together and have your child underline each letter B or b.
- Let your child write the letter B in each word as you make a list of other things beginning with the letter B that Baby Black Bat might like to eat.
- Read the list together, emphasizing the /b/ sound in each word.
SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
Baby Black Bat