Buzz the Bear

Associate the uppercase letter B and lowercase letter b with the /b/ sound as in bear, bake, and birthday.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- bear
- bake
- bowl
- beat
- batter
- birthday
- Mixing bowl and spoon
- Picture cards*
- Stuffed bear or Buzz the Bear graphic*
- Buzz’s Birthday Batter target text*
*Items included below.
State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will make a birthday cake for Buzz the Bear and will practice saying the /b/ sound in words that start with the letter B, such as big, berry, butter, birthday, and bear.
Literacy Activities
Find ingredients for Buzz's birthday cake
- Place the picture cards around the room.
- Write the uppercase letter B and lowercase letter b on the whiteboard, and point out that the letter B makes the /b/ sound.
- Explain to the children that it is Buzz the Bear's birthday and that he wants a cake made with only ingredients that start with the letter B.
- Tell the children that they need to find those ingredients (the picture cards), which are hidden around the room.
- Have the children find the pictures and help them decide whether or not each word starts with B as in bear.
- When the children find a word that begins with the /b/ sound, ask them to say, “The letter B says /b/,” and have them circle the letter B in the word on the card.
- Ask the children what other words they can think of that start with the /b/ sound, write them on the board, and have the children circle the B or b in their word.
Beat the batter
- Let the children put the picture cards in the bowl and tell them they can pretend that the cards are cake batter.
- Allow the children to take turns beating the batter, then pretend to bake it.
- Have the children pretend to feed Buzz the Bear the baked birthday batter.
More Practice
Read target words in a text
- Display the Buzz’s Birthday Batter target text so that all of the children can see it.
- Read the text as a group.
- Have the children underline the letter B throughout the text and have them say the /b/ sound each time they underline the letter B.
Writing the target letter
- Create a hopscotch-like game by drawing bubbles in a hopscotch formation on a large piece of paper or by taping circles of paper on the floor.
- Invite the children to write a B and b on each bubble.
- Have the children say the /b/ sound as they bounce from bubble to bubble.
SEEL Target Texts
Buzz's Birthday Batter
Beat the batter in the bowl.
Bake the batter to make a birthday cake.
Feed big bites of birthday cake to Buzz the bear.
SEEL At Home
Associate the uppercase letter B and lowercase letter b with the /b/ sound as in bear, bake, and birthday.
- Bowl
- Paper
- Toy bear (or other stuffed animal)
Activity: Make a birthday band
- Cut a piece of paper in half lengthwise and tape the ends together to make a birthday band (crown) about the size of your child’s head.
- Invite your child to help write simple words that begin with the letter B (bat, bin, box) and some that do not (cat, car, cot) on small pieces of paper, put them in a bowl, and stir them up.
- Tell your child that you need to find words that begin with B to make into a birthday band for a toy bear (or other stuffed animal).
- Take turns pulling papers out of the bowl and reading them to identify which ones start with the /b/ sound (support as needed).
- If a word starts with /b/, have your child circle the B or b, then tape or staple the paper to the band.
- If a word does not start with /b/, place it in a discard pile.
- When all the words that begin with B have been attached to the birthday band, put the band on the stuffed animal and have a pretend birthday party.
- Take turns pointing to the letter B and reading the words on the birthday band to the bear together.
SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
Buzz the Bear