cakes, cookies, and candy

Cakes, Cookies, and Candy

Cakes, Cookies, and Candy
Target text


Associate the letter uppercase letter C and lowercase letterwith the /k/ sound as in carrot, coconut, and crunch.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • can
  • cake
  • crunch
  • carrot
  • cookie
  • candy


  • Picture cards*
  • Container or can 
  • Puppet graphic and instructions* 
  • Paper sack
  • Crunch Cookies and Candy target text*
  • Writing practice page*
  • Snacks that start with the letter C (optional)

*Items included below.

State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will help the puppet Cade crunch on snacks as they say the /k/ sound in words that start with the letter C, such as can, crunch, carrot, cake, and cookie.

Literacy Activities
Help Cade crunch on snacks

  • Assemble the Cade puppet using a paper sack and the graphic.
  • Show the puppet to the children and explain that Cade wants to crunch on snacks that start with the /k/ sound.
  • Write the letter C on the board and explain that the letter C sometimes makes the /k/ sound.
  • Place the picture cards in a can, invite the children to take turns choosing a picture from the can, then read the word together.
  • Help the children decide whether the word on each picture card begins with the letter C.
    • If the word begins with the letter C, have the child circle the C while saying the /k/ sound before "feeding" it to Cade.
    • If the word doesn’t begin with C, have the child place it in a discard pile.
  • Explain that the snacks the children fed to Cade start with the /k/ sound, then let the children eat some of the same snacks (optional).

More Practice
Identify words with the target sound in a text

  • Read the Crunch Cookies and Candy target text to the children.
  • Have the children find and circle the letter C throughout the text, saying the /k/ sound each time do so.
  • Read the text again and have the children make a C with their fingers every time they hear a word that starts with the /k/ sound.

Write the target letter

  • Help the children produce the /k/ sound as they write the letter C on the writing practice page.
  • Allow the children to draw pictures of things that start with the /k/ sound in the space below the letters (e.g., candy, cookie, cake, carrot).
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SEEL Target Texts

Crunch Cookies and Candy

Cade can crunch cookies.
Cade can crunch candy.
Cade can crunch cucumbers.
Cade can crunch carrots.
Cade can crunch crackers.
Cade loves to crunch cookies, candy, cucumbers, carrots, and crackers!
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.