Catch the Catfish

Catch the Catfish
Target text


Associate the letter C with the /k/ sound in words such as catch, cook, and catfish.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • catch
  • catfish
  • campfire
  • cook


  • Word cards*
  • String  
  • Magnet
  • Ruler 
  • Catching Catfish song (sung to the tune of "Frere Jacques")*
  • Campfire picture*

*Items included below.

State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will catch pretend catfish as they practice saying the /k/ sound in words that start with the letter C, such as catch, catfish, clean, and cook.

Literacy Activities
Catch catfish

  • Cut out the catfish word cards, attach a paper clip to each card, and place the cards in a pretend pond.
  • Assemble a pretend fishing pole with a ruler, string, and a magnet.
  • Have the children catch a catfish with the fishing pole and help them read the word on the card.
  • Have the children name the first letter (C) and say the /k/ sound.
  • Repeat the game until all of the catfish cards are “caught.”

Cook catfish

  • Teach the children the Catching Catfish song, then sing the song together to the tune of “Frere Jacques.”
  • Allow the children to catch catfish and pretend to cook them over the campfire picture.
  • Instruct the children to underline the letter C throughout the text of the song, saying the /k/ sound each time they underline a letter.
  • Sing the song again and have the children make a C with their fingers every time they hear a word that starts with the /k/ sound.

More Practice
Identify the target letter

  • Have the children circle the letter C on the catfish word cards used in the first activity, saying the /k/ sound each time they circle a letter.
  • Make a list of the words from the activity (i.e., cat, can, cup, cut, cop, cot) where the children can see it.
  • Help the children identify the rhyme sounds of each word on the list by tapping their head for the beginning sound of the word and toes for the rest of the word (e.g., c (tap head) + at (tap toes) = cat (clap hands)).
  • Point out that all of the words have the /k/ sound at the beginning of the word and start with the letter C.
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SEEL Target Texts

Catching Catfish

Catching catfish,
Catching catfish!
In the pond,
In the pond!
Cook the little catfish,
Cook the little catfish!
On a campfire,
On a campfire!
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SEEL At Home



Associate the letter C with the /k/ sound in words such as catch, cook, and catfish.



  • Word cards
  • Catching Catfish song

Activity: Catching Catfish

  • Put the catfish word cards in a pretend pond.
  • Have your child teach you the Catching Catfish song. 
  • Let your child pretend to catch the catfish with his or her hands while singing the song. 
  • Help your child read the word on each card.
  • Have your child name the beginning letter and beginning sound of each word. 
  • Tell your child to circle the letter C throughout the Catching Catfish song, saying the /k/ sound each time he or she underlines a letter.
  • Sing the song again and have your child make a C with his or her fingers every time he or she hears a word that starts with the /k/ sound. 
  • The activity can be repeated several times.


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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.